I believe a return to common sense government will dawn in America between the 2022 and 2024 elections. This second revolution began in Virginia which ironically played a significant role in the first revolution. While restoring the nation to a stronger constitutional republic governed by laws may take a few years, current trends indicate a new national direction.
Too many citizens have had enough of BLM & ANTIFA mobs, street violence, open borders, ineffectual greedy politicians, anti police rhetoric, big city looting, Chinese Virus confusion and hypocrisy, politicized left wing media, out of touch federal Departments of Education, Taxation, Labor, Transportation etc., and a military headed by political generals more interested in gender pronouns than a proper Afghanistan retreat. The days of "woke" and "cancel culture" politics and social conformity are ending. The election of Youngkin started it and the 2022 midterms will hopefully see a flood of new republicans replacing democrat/socialists in state and federal legislatures.
In the first American Revolution, people opposed King George's far away and out of touch government, military occupation, over taxation/regulation and self rule denial for colonials. Eventually, conditions became intolerable for American merchants, traders, citizens and farmers. Without a second amendment, rag tag militia men and women took up their pitchforks, old hunting rifles and clubs and slowly grew from a poorly equipped military gaggle into a second or third rate military force. With help from the French and incredible native energy and determination, a loose union of states championed their desire for self rule and won. Ending in Yorktown, the birth of American liberty from the English Empire happened from humble origins fired by noble goals. The birth of a new independent nation was won with bloodshed, a remarkable constitution, and founding fathers with great vision. The first American Revolution and it's brilliant constitution made America the greatest place on earth. With amendments and improvements to our laws and customs we have prospered and survived for nearly two hundred and fifty years.
However, our grip on national greatness has slipped over the last few decades. I think an unholy alliance has grown joining the political, media, cultural, labor union, paid DC lobbyists, domestic and international moneyed interests along with government bureaucrats into a force. This force has more collective "self " interests to maximize it's power and wealth than the interests of the "everyman" citizens of America. Also, we the people have become complacent, perhaps apathetic, about our duties as citizens. Many folks stopped voting, traded their votes for impossible eye candy freebies or voted on emotion or out of family tradition without thinking through the issues and candidates.
Our federal government increasingly wastes taxpayer money on legislation which rarely match the promised goals. Thousand plus pages of legislation are OK'd with arrogance by lawmakers who tell us, "details will be known after we pass the bill". Earmarked millions and billions of tax payer money routinely go for projects which payback big contributors with fat contracts or to name new unnecessary bridges or buildings after big political donors. Does anyone really think in our lifetime the recently passed Infrastructure Bill will get our national rail service anywhere near the level of Japanese, Chinese, or European rail service ? Who honestly believes our airports and jetways will get more efficient or our highways and bridges will get much needed repairs and upgrades ? Deep down we know the trillion plus legislation will be poorly spent and wasted. Did Lyndon Johnson's trillion dollar plus 1965 "War on Poverty" end poverty ? Check history - it didn't !
The federal government constantly seeks new schemes to increase taxes and regulations on every citizen and business enterprise to pay for it's wasteful failed projects and pandering of new shiny promises. Also, the federal government seeks to micromanage the speech and behavior of citizens by using the force of it's IRS and other federal agencies to squash the free speech of dissent and punish opposition figures. The lies of big government about "no new taxes", cradle to grave government care, Trump collusion with Russians are buoyed by lobbyist funds and broadcast non stop by the ninety five percent of media favoring the political left. Brainwashing of our school children. Teaching CRT, End of the World Climate Crisis, acceptance of sexual dysfunctions, and "The 1619 Project" are now featured curriculum in many schools. Objecting parents are censored by dictatorial school boards and labeled as "domestic terrorists" by Garland's DOJ .
Mayors, governors and federal legislators are often bought and paid for by partisan and moneyed interests. Their re election campaign funds and personal portfolios are financed by powerful forces with goals that exclude the safety and welfare of the governed. Soaring big city homicide rates, the 2020 riots of murder, property destruction, looting, and fires are secondary concerns to many leaders who are more interested in their re election and media popularity. These loser leaders really don't care about citizen safety and the security of private property. But, CNN, NYT, WAPO, NBC etc. and other lefty propaganda outlets only report the invented crimes of Trump, 1/6 as something worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor and any guest "expert" willing to blame government failures on "racist" republicans or the former orange man POTUS.
I hope and believe the political leaders who answer all criticisms with counter charges of racism will soon diminish. The whining and angry generation of BLM, ANTIFA and aged hippies will not prevail much longer with their bombastic arguments and violence against law and order. I believe too many citizens of good will have seen the nation mature to a place where people are judged more by "the content of their character" rather than their skin color or national origin. America has always been a nation of immigrants and a natural melting pot of incredible diversity. In my opinion, our greatness as a nation is directly linked to our diversity. The real bigots and racists among us are those political and social leaders who constantly preach about our differences and seek to divide us with class warfare into warring tribes.
To anyone with a slight education of economics, the idealism of socialism is fools gold designed to enslave workers in a society where all production and distribution of goods and services are controlled by the government, eg. Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela to name a few. Thanks to FDR and LBJ we already have too many nasty and unfair tidbits of socialism and we don't need anymore. When manned by "honest agent" lawmakers our republic is a superior form of government because we rely on voting in representatives which represent our best interests. The key element is the election of "honest agents". In the last few voting cycles, I fear we've been too apathetic, less informed about the issues or more interested in voting for anyone not named Trump. At any rate we got Biden and without elaboration his tenure has been a colossal mess and failure for the nation and free world.
In my opinion, to avoid a second American Revolution, which might destroy our union, we need to take care of our nation by rejecting and fact checking the daily litany and BS from government and the media. We must become better informed citizens, learn and follow the principles of our constitution and established laws. We must call our representatives, write letters to the editor, and flood our blog and face book spaces with our opinions. Equally important, we must study the issues and candidates and challenge incumbent politicians at every turn. Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Green or Other our elected officials must feel our presence and opinions.
We must realize every day and every action we take is rooted in politics. Like it or not, the business of politics effect every fiber of our lives present and future. Political decisions will control the quality and conditions of life for our future generations. Therefore our votes today, 2022 and 2024 will make the the world of our grandchildren. Our enemies domestic and foreign are counting on our apathy and ignorance to reach their goals. God forbid and short of using our second amendment rights, our best way to restore a stronger, safer and more independent America is with our ultimate action weapon - VOTING.
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