While it would be impossible for any President to know all the things going on in their executive department, it does seem Biden is often clueless about some things going on in his name and under his nose.
The most recent revelation about a plan to pay 400-450 K to certain illegal immigrants is a good case. With all the glaring failure of the Biden administration's southern border crisis, why would a scheme be developed to reward immigrant lawbreakers ? Which federal bureaucracy and unelected pinhead official decided on this goofy idea and why was the president surprised with a reporters question about the program ?
Our founding fathers designed a government with three distinct departments. The executive and legislative branches would be leadership people elected by the citizens and the judicial branch would be appointed master judges selected by the president and approved by congress. For many decades this brilliant system of checks and balances on government authority and powers worked, but in the last century it has begun to fail. Whoever is running the Biden show is trying to kill the equal but separate functioning feature of our government.
With increasing regularity moneyed interests, political extremists, and agents with special concerns have infiltrated the ranks of elected officials to get their pet projects realized. Lobbyists with wheel barrows full of cash are making legislators rich with campaign donations and stock tips. Making senators and congress people wealthy and more interested in their re election than the "peoples business" makes for lazy legislators. Unable or unwilling to reject the loot and satisfied to sell their votes, lawmakers pad federal agencies with more and more employees to get things done. While there are still honest legislators the trend suggests more self interest than passion to pursue the public good.
Unelected bureaucrats have steadily gained greater power to make regulations fitting the political agenda of their bosses. The IRS, DOJ and other federal departments have become governments within a government with rules micro managing citizens and actually endangering our constitutional rights. Foreign governments are also major players in twisting our policies to their ends with massive payoffs and bribery bucks. Finally, the media and popular culture gang wield their substantial influence by promoting their ideas with a steady stream of eye candy propaganda.
Joe Biden is very weak intellectually, but to live out his lifetime ambition as president he has allowed others to set the national agenda. More than any other recent resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Biden doesn't know what's going on in his administration. It's scary what Joe Biden doesn't know and the potential downside of his ignorance could portend future disasters for the nation. His current decisions and actions counter his career as a moderate democrat and the spectacle of his mumbling and thoughtless comments are sad to Americans who want the best of their president. More importantly, his increasing incompetence is a gift to our enemies foreign and domestic who strive and dream of a weaker America.
More than ever, citizens are living the negative results of an incapable commander and chief. More than ever, folks are realizing the consequence of their vote and the importance of honest election mechanics. Hopefully, citizens will take greater responsibility in their voting choices in 2022 and 2024.
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