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Saturday, November 20, 2021


Thinking of other young men from other times; full of idealism, energy and testosterone, was Rittenhouse really unique ? Was he a hero or anti hero ?

I believe there have been many Kyles in our history from the American Revolution, Civil War and other wars of the 18th and 19th century through the great World Wars, Conflicts in Korea, Vietnam and Gulf States of the Mideast. Young men often lacking an abundance of formal education, common sense, and from homes without both parents. Many of these have done some crazy and remarkable things. Boys, like young Rittenhouse, enthralled with weapons and intoxicated by fantasy heroic characters from classic literature to video games felt they could protect their friends and bring justice to a riot. 

Every great assault against our republic has resulted in young people volunteering for the fight. Outraged by Pearl Harbor or 9/11, millions of teenagers and young people have rushed to enlist and willingly marched off to war. Politicians declare the wars and send our youngest and best off to win the wars. While many survive or become heroes too many return to America in body bags. Usually an eighteen year old or twenty something doesn't know all the reasons for a war. In the foggy glow of patriotism, seeking justice, family tradition or answering the nations call, they march off to war. 

Wars and armed conflicts happen when differences between nations or tribes cannot find agreement and peace with dialogue and negotiations. In my opinion, the riots of 2020 and 2021 happened because some groups refused to recognize the important role of established laws and a fair judicial system. Outraged by an event and anxious to find "quick justice", street mobs kidnapped legitimate concerns and sponsored waves of looting, burning, killing and maiming. In too many places, intimidated mayors, governors and national politicians failed to defend police, laws, courts and allowed or encouraged violence. 

Was Kyle Rittenhouse any different than the colonial boy in Boston who died while trading blows with a heavily armed British soldier ? Was Rittenhouse any different than a fifteen year old lying about his age to get into the war the day after Pearl Harbor ? Is it possible that sometimes young people feel compelled to drastic action when established leaders fail to maintain peace and security ?  

Despite the jury verdict, Rittenhouse killed two white men and injured one white man. He will never forget the violence and must live with a form of  PTSD forever. While Rittenhouse and other young men shouldn't carry around or contemplate using a deadly weapon, too many do and it begs a question. Where the hell were the police to quell the mayhem ?  Why wasn't the media and all their talking heads laying out the facts of the incident rather than convicting Rittenhouse as a racist killer ? Why did the Wisconsin governor in 2020 not allow extra National Guard troops into Kenosha when President Trump suggested same ?  Why did so many racist commentators and politicians frame the tragic actions of Rittenhouse as "racism" ? Why will the ongoing narrative from political and media left pundits continue to distort the facts of this sad case. 

Shouldn't the leaders of our nation get off their pandering soapboxes long enough to enforce common sense law and order ? I believe, Kyle Rittenhouse and other young people should not feel compelled to be agents of law and order. Real leaders can no longer wait for poll results before they take action. 

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