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Wednesday, July 22, 2020


As election days for  2020 approach, the steady defamation of all things Trump will become a constant blast from every mainstream print/broadcast source and the lips of every democrat. I think a  review of the reasons some hate or would rather die than vote Trump is necessary, so here we go. Hopefully, a review of facts, history and the dreadful alternative to Trump will help him to victory in the Fall. We must stop a Biden puppet presidency to preserve the Constitution, capitalism, and our  United States of America.

1. Trump is or was a Russian operative, secret agent or beneficiary. He received election advantages from Russian dirty campaign tricks.
This allegation has been investigated and probed by practically every federal agency, investigative journalist, congressional committee and democrat. After multi millions of tax payer dollars in costs and thousands of days of testimony and hearings the results were zero. The allegations were all lies. The Mueller Report and all the less significant government inquiries found no collusion, conspiracy or wrong doing by Trump with Russia. Even the old  propaganda trick of repeating a lie until it becomes a fact is failing despite the efforts of CNN, NYT, WPO, all their media copy cat drones and the hypocrites of the democratic/socialist party. As insisted by Trump it was a witchhunt. Ever so slowly the onion of truth will prove the real conspiracy was by Trump opponents desperately trying to deny him his election victory and first presidential term.

2. Trump is a racist.
The record of his non political past reveals a strong and positive relationship with many minority groups and leaders. As POTUS he raised black and minority employment and income rates to their highest levels in US history. Nothing racist about his economic policies which raised everyones income. He ushered in new prison reform laws and minority business initiatives. The Floyd murder and weeks of mayhem, murder and property destruction were not caused by Trump despite democrat party and media 100% twisted reporting. Beyond the peaceful protestors, Trump has boldly denounced the anarchists, looters and destructive elements of the ANTIFA and BLM movements. He is a law and order president and is working to restore social and economic normalcy to the largely democrat controlled cities most effected. Trump will never bow to political correctness which destroys statues, national monuments and key portions of our history. He knows lessons are learned for the future by understanding our past history good and bad.  He wants citizens secure from violence in their communities and businesses safe in their work places. He will boldly overrule democrat mayors and governors, within existing laws, to re establish peace and order.

3. Trump is a sexist guilty of a few scandals.
His relations and comments about women have been insensitive and sexist at times. However, he joins many other presidents and famous politicians with naughty skeletons in their closets. Think Tom Jefferson, JFK, Alexander Hamilton, Warren Harding,  FDR, Woodrow Wilson, LBJ,  Daniel Webster, James Buchanan, Al Franken and many others. Trumps scandal with Stormy Daniels was well reported but again not unique considering Clinton's Lewinsky debacle, Grover Cleveland's secret son, Anthony Weiner's lust for 15 year old girls, Strom Thurmond's affair with a 16 year old African American girl, Barney Frank's homosexual pursuits, Joe Bidens creepy groping of young girls and a long list of other high ranking sexual miscues.  All men and women are imperfect beings regarding their behavior and relationships, but nonetheless many become influential leaders in their times despite their sexual proclivities.

4. Trump is an arrogant, egotistical rich guy.
Yes more than No.
In the riches category this is true. But the "silver spoon" department by birth or guile is not unique to Trump. Others in this category include Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan, Clinton, Grant, FDR, Father & Son Bush, JFK and Obama to name a few. In 2016 Trump used a lot of his own money for campaigning and faithfully donates his presidential salary to worthy causes. He doesn't need the presidential salary and thats a good thing because he is probably immune to bribes and using the presidency as a cash cow in the future. Some have described Trump "mean as a junkyard dog" and his rough exterior may reflect the tough businessman and negotiator genes burning within his gut. Like others of great achievement, he thrives and survives with an oversized ego and arrogance. Similar to Truman, T Roosevelt, Nixon, LBJ and others he suffers no fools and often takes criticism poorly. Trump can be a charmer, but does carry an arrogance possibly beyond the norm expected from most New Yorkers. While personal quirks may seem important to the touchy and sensitive crowd, in the real world of deadly politics, results matter much more than feelings or pretty tele prompter speeches. Trump has gotten tons of good results with his fantastic energy, enthusiasm and common sense.

5. Trump is a foreign relations lightweight.
He has often and passionately called out European, South of the Border, and Asian countries which don't pay their international dues or bills to the US. He has regularly cited the Chinese as theives in stealing our technology and intellectual property. He has worked through the establishment and bureaucrats to stem the drug trade from our southern borders and disrupt the MS 13 and other violent drug peddling gangs. He has denounced the appeasement payments by Obama and Biden to Iran and revealed the empty one sided Bush, Clinton and Obama payoffs given to North Korea to quell their nuclear saber rattling. Despite mixed results he has demonstrated a willingness to met with foreign leaders especially those who present potential danger to America or the world. He has not started a war anywhere and only used deadly force to waste American killing terrorist leaders. He has rejected old trade policies and developed new trade treaties more favorable to making America and its' workforce great and strong. He is probably unliked by many in our diplomatic corps because he is not always diplomatic and interested in niceties. As a master pragmatist, he is most concerned about getting good things done for Americans.

6. Trump was negligent or late in responding to the COVID 19 pandemic.
In late January of 2020, Trump was already on the job. He suspended travel from China while Pelosi, Biden and others were calling him a xenophob and continued their praise of the Chinese. He held daily briefing on the Chinese flu and enlisted medical experts from the beginning. He called for calm and tried to reassure people with hope the Chinese Virus would not wreck our society and economy. He ordered American industries to provide sufficient medical equipment and supplies. He worked with governors in "hot spots" and supplied them medical ships and military specialists as requested. He helped design and approved economic relief bills to families and businesses. He has consistently acted to avert a failure to our economy. He denounced the Chinese controlled UN World Health Organization and Communist Chinese government for their slow and dishonest disclosures about COVID which probably sprang up in the Summer or Fall of 2019. He gladly assisted allies in their need for medical gear. He has championed medical research to find cures for the disease. All the while in early 2020, democrats, the liberal media and the DC establishment were centered on squeezing life out of a weak bill of impeachment. As usual with any crisis, all blame for every piece of bad health news was slapped on Trump while congress pontificated a load of hot air from their safe houses far from D.C.

7. Trump has wrecked the economy.
Very wrong.
Until the Chinese flu blew to our shores and the BLM, ANTIFA, anarchists, and looters hijacked the legitimate outcry from peaceful protestors, our economy was the best it had ever been. Trump the rough and tumble businessman and tough negotiator made the economic miracles happen for every race in every industry. Additionally, his tax policies and regulatory reforms helped new business starts and put more jingle in everyones pocket, 401K's or investment portfolios. In his first three years and in my opinion, Trump accomplished more in improving the economy than the previous sixteen years of the Bush and Obama Administrations combined. A Biden presidency with all its baggage of socialist promises will create whopping tax increases and bury our economic gains in mountains of new regulations and bad trade policies.

8. But, the polls favor Biden.
Like 2016, the polls are very wrong. Simply stated, they represent bias and flaws in their polling audiences, polling questions and the politics of the polling organizations. Enthusiasm for Joe Biden remains tepid while Trump, amidst real and concocted "breaking news" crisisses, continues to get the big crowds and cheers. The great sea of the silent majority and deplorables along with many independents and frustrated democrats will happily reelect Trump. Democrats, the main stream media and rinos will use the Chinese flu and civil unrest to delay business and school opennings. They will continue to scare and intimidate people from in person voting on election day. They will ignore illegal immigrant, multiple and dead person democratic party votes.They will work tirelessly to keep businesses shuttered and support crazy expensive funding bills to move America closer to full on socialism and away from capitalism and free markets. If elected, Biden will fold to Pelosi, AOC and Schumer and support incredible tax increases for workers and businesses. This taxpayer funding will be necessary to pay for all the free stuff promised to those on an expanded ledger of people receiving a permanent dole from the federal government. Biden will agree to a Green New Deal and suspend fracking and energy development unless it involves windmills, batteries or solar panels. In addition to our police, Biden will agree to greatly defund our military forces as he expands the welfare state. If not "politically correct" free speech will be further devalued and the second amendment will be abolished or greatly diminished. Biden spent 47 years as a politician scoring few meaningful achievements and who can expect this old man with declining levels of energy and mental acuity to do any better in his sunset years. Trump with zero government experience redefined Reagans' theme of American Exceptionalism.

If Trump is reelected he will continue to be an egotistic, arrogant, sexist and rich guy, but he will restore the economy to our pre COVID & Floyd murder glory days. He will keep our military strong to prevent hot wars and happily battle China, N. Korea, Iran and others in cold wars and hard nose negotiations. Trump will build the economy with an American made by Americans theme. He will out smart and out work the Chinese to keep the USA as the worlds dominant economic, military and space exploration leader. He will continue to reform or breakup the establishments, bureauacracies, and trade unions which have damaged our educational system, legal community and economy. Trump will continue to labor endless hours. He will likely not shrink from his twitter opinions as they are his rare chance for direct fireside chats with the American people unfiltered by biased talking heads and their media executives. Trump will forcefully battle the 24/7 fake & hate news cycle. While the left media works closely with Trumps' political opponents to create a  constant stream of anonymous sources and irritating "breaking news" exposes , POTUS # 45 will be tirelessly working to Make America Great.

November 3rd is a critical election day for American.  Novemeber 4th is an equally important vote day for Democrats. TRUMP/PENCE 2020 !

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