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Monday, July 27, 2020


Beyond legitimate peaceful protestors over the Floyd murder, an ugly and small segment of our population realized an opportunity. Anarchists, looters and mobs began rioting, destroying private and public property and injuring/killing innocent police and civilians. The response from local and national democratic party politicians has been lame or totally missing.

As usual, getting things corrected, and back to whatever normal should be, becomes the job of every citizen who believes in law and order. What can good people peacefully do to shut down the antifa and blm criminals ?

1. Post their photographs, names, addresses and phone numbers on social media. List their crimes by photographs or first person accounts.

2. Develop lists reminisicent of the FBI's most wanted list. Pay to publish the information in newspapers, radio and TV ads. Use "fund me" accounts and generous donors to pay the media bills and offer rewards for their capture and prosecution.

3. Set up permanent 24/7 peaceful protest stations at the homes or hideouts of the leading antifa and blm leaders. Backup the peaceful protestors with well trained armed guards.

4. Flood local antifa and blm sympathetic politicians mailbox and phone lines with demand calls to denounce the looters, anarchists and mobs. Do the same with national democrat leaders who are unwilling to denounce the violence or miscreants.

5. Provide moral support to your police by gifting and complimenting them at every turn. Set up " fund me" accounts to reward injured police officers.

6. With legal help, develop lawsuits against identified riot leaders for specific and documented acts of violence aginst police officers, civilians, property and theft. 

7. Boycott advertisers of networks, newspapers and individuals who celebrate and support the illegal activities of the anarchists. Same holds true for sports teams, entertainers and political figures celebrating and supporting anarchists, looters and street mobs.

8. Proudly support and make generous political contributions to political candidates who support law and order measures and a return to domestic tranquility.

9. Through social media and personal conversations with friends and associates express your outrage over the senseless destruction of lives, property, and symbols of American History.

10. Exercise your second amendment rights and legally buy guns and ammo.

11. Find out the big money funders of the rioters. Who pays for the travel, hotel rooms, meals, rioting equipment, bricks etc. for the BLM/ANTIFA anarchists ? Use the FBI and state police to investigate and prosecute those who fund the troublemakers.

Add to my list of peaceful ways to defuse the anarchy and over the top "political correctness"  by a small violent coalition of losers. The far left extremists are a cancer on America which will only grow as pandering left politicians look the other way. Most of these political scoundrels are more interested in their re election and defeat of Trump than the exceptionalism and continued existence of America.

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