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Thursday, July 9, 2020


I am worried about the future of our nation. Based upon a recent terrible police crime and a silent Chinese killing virus, our life routines have changed and our patience tested. Law and order is no longer a given and fear of an unseen health hazard is a constant anxiety.

In my opinion, both of these awful 2020 events have further divided our nation because democrats wish to demonize President Trump and routinely blame him for everything from hurricanes and tornados, to covid, and every rare bad white cop incident.  No one defended or supported the Floyd death, yet democrat politicians quickly used it as a weapon against republicans and police agencies. Democrats have clearly endorsed ANTIFA and BLM rioters and destructive actions by their silence and demands that police agencies be defunded, abolished or turned into something other than  law enforcement.

 Calls for a return to law and order by President Trump have been demeaned, denounced and un supported by the left main media and democrat party leaders. Striving to be politically correct and pander to mobs, many democrat mayors and governors have joined plans to defund police agencies. Police forces in democrat controlled cities, where incredible property destruction and looting has occurred in addition to unlawful occupation, are prohibited from upholding the law by democrat leaders. Additionally, no major democrat leader has disagreed with the wholesale destruction of historic statues and propose wholesale place name changes of many historic figures . Some, like Pelosi and Governor Northam (Va.) have actually sanctioned the ugly and unnecessary exercise of re writing unplesant history.

The deadly China virus surprised everyone. While the President ordered and supported health care initiatives and equipment, he has at the same time, tried to keep the state of the economy and American people on the strong footing of normalcy. A delicate balancing act to be sure. Late in January of 2020 the president was taking action while Pelosi, Biden and other dem/socialists criticized the president and labeled him a xenophobe. However, his every word or action has been universally condemned by democrats and their media pals. Now, as vaccines may be in the near future and death rates have decreased, Trump wants the nation back to a state of normalcy. But, for political reasons, many democrats don't want the schools opened and are using their medical experts to keep fears alive. It is increasingly obvious a perpetual state of national crisis and turmoil politically favors the democrat party in the upcoming elections.

Bottom line is 2020 has been a very trying time for everyone. However, it seems to win the White House democrat leaders are using these awful events to get Joe Biden to the presidency. To democrats it doesn't matter that Mr. Biden clearly lacks the energy or mental acuity which  Donald Trump demonstrates every day. Biden's forty seven years record as a legislator and federal employee shows nothing special and a consistent inability to solve the problems he currently promises to magically fix in the first few days of his presidency. 

Biden will be a puppet for Pelosi and the Omar radicals who currently control the democrat party and everyone knows it. Biden is an empty vessel and will be played to fulfill all the tax increasing, green new deal and other wacky agenda items of the far left socialists in the democrat party. His chosen running mate is another empty vessel willing to do or say anything to gain political power. A  Biden Harris ticket would be a disaster for American culture, prosperity, security and freedom.

On the other hand,  Donald Trump with no government experience but a bucketful of grit, imagination, ego, energy and common sense re powered the economy to it's greatest level in the nations history (pre covid). All demographic sectors have been economically enriched lifted by his pragmatism and good business sense,  He has started no new wars while honestly and squarely confronting our adversaries. He has been nominated for three Nobel Peace Prizes for his handling of the mid east. He has challenged the inertia of the DC establishment and bureaucracy to get things done. In every sense he has thrown boundless enthusiasm into Making America Great. In the face of crisis, Mr. Trump has faithfully addressed the nation honestly and frequently. However, like every human ever born, he has flaws, orange hair and has made mistakes. The media gives him little credit for his accomplishments while  constantly reporting the latest rumor, unfounded accusatiion or nasty tidbit from an anonymous source. 

His victory over Clinton in 2016 will never be acknowledged or forgoten by the left. Coupled with a few unplesant personal characteristics he has gained the eternal and undeserved wrath of the political and media left.

The true nature of the BLM has nothing to do with preserving black lives. Their greatest show of force comes after the rare white cop / black man killing. BLM has demonstrated zero interest in working their message into urban areas where black on black murder rages day after day. BLM has no concern for fostering young black boys and men to become responsible fathers. They have no educational outreaches, community charities or hospital facilities. Obviously, they exercise little control over their adherents who are allowed to freely loot and destroy property. They are race pimps and profiteers without the suits and ties of an Al Sharpton or Reverend Farakanh. Not at all interested in black people,  BLM is mostly concerned with gaining political power and money and lurks in the shadows waiting to capitalize on the next crisis to demand reparations and unlawfully steal and destroy property.

ANTIFA is another collection of losers. Immature idealists and old hippies joined by serious anarchists show up representing the failed and foggy promises of socialism. However, they mostly revel in the destruction and looting portion of demonstrations and sit ins. Young members reflect the great failure of our schools in teaching history and American civics. True brains full of mush, these young people were raised on all the Al Gore environmental nonsense, politically cute and correct NPR programing and a participation trophy life style. The old people are boomers who probably smoked too much pot for too long and believed all the altruistic lyrics of Baez, Dillion, The Stones and Beatles. To be meaningful and possibly "remain forever young" they join the kids in the street.

Skinheads, KKK and white supremaist/nationalist groups are also garbage, but a very small  part of the destructive force in our nation. Liberals love to link Trump with these haters, but rarely publicize his many denunciations and never allow his full text of comments about these losers. 

Anarchists are the spark that ignites the fire of mob madness and preys on peaceful protests. They are a dedicated and dangerous cancer in our society and seek to destroy simply for the sake of destroying.

Democrats have shown a large appetite to pander to minorities while blue states and blue cities show the highest incidence of black on black crime and poverty. Every election for decades democrats have promised better conditions for minorities, but the better times have never happened. Democrats have been largely silent on the destruction of history and defunding of police. Democrats at the national level have wasted nearly four years trying to prosecute Trump and his allies for crimes they never committed. Democrats are the political party which will increase your taxes, slow the economy with the "green deal" initiatives, defund our police and military, burden citizens with new laws and controls, allow more globalization and less national sovereignty, continue unlimited abortions, allow courts to legislate, and return to their good old days of unlimited lobbying and rule by bureaucrats and politicians infected with inertia.

Dear democrat friends, please think long and hard before you cast your next local or national vote. It's not about feelings rather it's about reasoning out the best person for the job based on qualifications and accomplishments.  Donald Trump without ever taking a salary has worked long and hard in the best interests of America and all it's citizens. You must understand media giant corporations are owned and operated by dedicated democrats and will be forever anti Trump. Trump uses, perhaps misuses, Twitter and Facebook to simply get his true message out unfiltered by the media. The polls are famously flawed as demonstrated in the 2016 election and full of bias in their polling groups.

Look at what Trump has accomplished with the economy, our military and our international standing in his first term and look at the accomplishments of democrats over the previous eight years. A new Trump administration and Republican Congress will get the economy back to it's roaring success, unleash a much needed program of massive infrastructure improvements, set in place new programs to revitalize our urban communities, possibly get a man to mars, and establish ways to detect and prevent any future virus or plague from ever terrorizing our nation again.

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