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Monday, September 7, 2020


The BLM is not about helping people of color. BLM is about promoting  a radical agenda to destroy American institutions, culture, history, free markets, and it's republican form of government while raking in tons of cash. Its populist goal is reparations for slavery paid for by American taxpayers and corportations.   

BLM has consistently stepped into legitimate protests and turned them into rioting, burning and looting revolts. These demonstrations destroy private and public property and injure/kill police and civilians. Somehow, the organization has intimidated millions, maybe billions, of dollars from corporations, celebrities and sports luminaries by simply threatening to label them racists if they don't pony up big bucks. It's simple blackmail and satisfies the need of many to be politically correct, the gutless cowards include many democrat politicians and business leaders.

Despite great financial resources, BLM has no major programs to educate black men into becoming responsible fathers, educating black children into better jobs, supporting community actions to stem  horrendous black on black crimes, curbing urban drug/gang wars, and rebuilding inner city business and homes destroyerd by their riotous actions. Their media and print ads don't publicize any humanitarian programs, but simply appeal for donations because Black Lives Matter. Unlike progressive and socialist democrat party leaders, BLM makes no rosy promises or predictions about good times or a better life for it's supporters. Rather, BLM seems to use it's generous donations to buy more bricks, lasers, fireworks, guns, travel plans and hotel rooms for its most dedicated riot chiefs.

Those suggesting "All Lives Matter" or "Blue Lives Matter" are automatically labeled as racist by legions of liberal/progressive politicians and practically all their merdia lap dogs. BLM also supports Planned Parenthood which kills thousands of innocent black babies every week. Planned Parenthood came from the nightmare teaching of Margaret Sanger. She wanted "African - American " babies destroyed, attempted to use black ministers to preach her racist eugenics and established Planned Parenthood as the greatest killer of black lives.

BLM has a few hard core leaders and many sheep like followers. Although a small group, it is violent and bent on radical change to America. Joined by the terrorists of ANTIFA it will continue to wreak havoc whereever it chooses to squat. The only answer to the violence and mayhem is a majority of citizens demanding law and order and a President unafraid to insist on law and order.

Changes in government are inevitable, but must carefully evolve as constiutional amendments or ballot box choices by legal voters. For any group to incite violence and rage as a way to produce radical changes is unacceptable to the majority of Americans and will not be tolerated.

On September 29th 1936, Franklin D. Roosevelt said this at a Syracuse New York speech:

"I have not sought, I do not seek, I repudiate the support of any advocate of Communism or any other alien "ism" which would by fair means or foul change our American democracy."

1 comment:

  1. It does seem that with all the money they have at their disposal that they would promote more education for black people how to be good parents good citizens
