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Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I believe Donald Trump should win the Republican nomination and presidency.

He will win because he is immune to the influence of other peoples money. Trump's ultimate success may rest in having no zombie like loyalty to any political party. His political history is a mix of support for democratic and republican ideas always grounded in making the best "deal" for his business interests and clients. His pragmatism is a rare trait of the most elite true leaders.

He is a political outsider with proven leadership qualities which could freshen the American brand and bring new ideas to our national and international challenges. Also, he is unafraid of the print and electronic media which traditionally leans left. At the same time, he commands constant fawning media coverage. The networks know beyond their political biases that his image opens a spigot of increased advertising revenue and viewership.

Trump may be a modern day version of past presidents Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Harry Truman in his passion and occasional outbursts of coarse language. Because his speeches are not read from teleprompters or verbatim written scripts he may ramble. He speaks from the heart using no committee of speechwriters. Sometimes his bombast lead to outrageous comments which initially seem unwise, but on closer reflection reveal ugly truths about some of our national experiences. In many ways he reflects the angst and frustration of many Americans fed up with professional politicians. Also, his positions often reveal the great negotiating techniques found in his book, " Art of the Deal".

Political establishment biggies from both parties are scared to their underwear. Trump threatens their power structures, self serving bureaucracies, and artificial legacies. Trump may unwillingly unleash the Tea Party vision of overturning the Washington scheme of  tax and regulatory inflation via inept federal government agencies. He has moved the Tea Party movement beyond a speechifying movement to a hybrid political force able to make historic changes. His rise to power could better secure our borders, bring American businesses and jobs back home, strengthen our military, reform our national health system, and free the nation from useless and cruel agencies such as the Veterans Administration, IRS, Department of Education, EPA, and many many more. His theme is to return more power to states and localities and get the wasteful federal government sidelined.

Trump offers fresh blood and thinking to the Commander in Chief job which has too often been filled by the same old, same old politicians. Establishment politicians and their bureaucrats have been ruining free enterprise, personal liberties, and the "American Dream" for too long and a President Trump will reverse our national mess. I think a Trump presidency would be one of great consequence since he would enter the office without owing any favors to any moneyed contributors. In my opinion, his incredible success as a deal maker and capitalist outweigh the resumes of the senators, governors, and family pedigree competitors he opposes. Perhaps it is time we have a president unafraid to awaken national pride and strive to make America great again. People polls tend to favor his ascendancy, but the influence of PAC's, unions, special interests groups, and power brokers of both political parties remain in formidable opposition. They will do anything and everything to cancel his bid for the republican nomination and campaign to the presidency. In addition to lies, sharp words, and traitorous old friends don't be surprised by physical mayhem to silence the Donald.

America is long due for revolutionary change within it's legal bounds and election rules as a constitutional republic. Donald Trump may offer America a chance to challenge it's way out of a national funk and renew itself as a nation of unlimited economic opportunity, military strength, and greater liberty.


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