Blog Archive

Monday, January 11, 2016


I am Eva.

I have never seen the light of day, tasted the wet of falling rain or felt a passing breeze, yet I am alive and important. I quietly and steadily grow to support the life of my champion. My master enjoys and experiences the sunshine and seasons. In addition, the sounds and stirrings of many creatures enliven the days and nights of my superior. I lie in a dark, moist place of immense quiet, yet my life is the viability of my glorious champion.

I am Eva. The most vital part of my beautiful mentor.
When a tragedy, ill act of nature or age kills my champion, I will continue to function for a time. However, in time my essence will also cease, and I will return to a natural material which will support the lives of future giants.

I am Eva the mighty roots of an immense green giant.
Though my master basks in the beauty and light, it is my foundation deep in the soil that sustains the great life above. 

Though I am rarely seen, the towering masters of the forest could not stand without my support.


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