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Thursday, March 3, 2016


In my opinion.

Donald Trump will continue to endure crowd disruptions, scathing criticisms, and wholesale condemnations until this election cycle is finished. Sadly, many of the brickbats and attacks will come from establishment republicans, their paid henchmen, and lobbyists. This is because he is an outsider and pragmatist more than a member of any political gang. This has scared establishment politicians to practically wetting their pants. The career of Trump is one of doing deals, getting things done, and winning. He has used both republicans and democrats in his real world business pursuits and accomplishments. Also, to his considerable credit he has no fear of the media, any financial puppet masters, or political big wigs. He has reignited the "silent majority" and Tea Party movement with his pledge and slogan, "Make America Great Again". His sincerity in this appeal has crossed ethnic, economic, and educational lines and enjoys great support from all segments of the electorate. For too long Americans have elected and re elected politicians full of shiny promises which evaporated into hot air. Beyond his unrehearsed gruff language and manner, he exhibits a love of country considered politically incorrect by many.

Many in the media and political ruling classes are desperately trying to characterize Trump's appeal as a populism aimed at unwashed, under educated, and unsophisticated Americans. Primary votes and exit polls reveal a far deeper base of support than established power brokers would have us believe. Inept politicians of both parties have spent decades dividing and duping citizens with empty promises and Trump may soon step in and declare, "you're fired". The corruption of too many lawmakers of both political wings has become intolerable and a cancer on the hopes and dreams of Americans. Trump is a refreshing independent figure full of energy and high flying aspirations for the country. Even as the republican party establishment furiously tries to derail his candidacy he will survive because the majority of voters see through his bluster and vanity a very good man with lofty goals for the nation. Trump may be a modern day Ronald Reagan and though he is human and may stumble he has great potential for good change. A Trump presidency may help the nation regain it's place as the worlds leader in economic power, personal liberty, domestic tranquility, and military dominance.

In my opinion, Trump offers America something very special. Clinton, Biden, Rubio, and Cruz can only offer a repeat of tired cliches and lies from teleprompters laden with old speeches and broken promises.  


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