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Friday, June 26, 2015


So in the wake of the Charleston massacre some folks think we should obliterate all monuments to Confederate war dead, the Jefferson Memorial, any building, military post, school, or street named in memory of a confederate war general ?

Are these advocates of political cleansing any less radical than the mid east mad men who destroyed ancient monuments and temples ? Can we eliminate horror by ripping down symbols ?

In the United States we had some bad history tucked in with a lot more good history. We continue to be the richest, freest, and most generous nation on earth. Immigrants from around the world continue to rush to our shores. Why do so many Americans hate our nation and take any event to condemn our long history as the worlds greatest republic?

Nazi death camps, parts of the Berlin Wall, sections of the World Trade Center, and Civil War Battlefields are preserved to remind us of our past evils. We must remember, but not celebrate, our past failures and inhumanity in order to not repeat the sins of our ancestors. In a world cleansed of reminders of bad history, generations of uneducated may allow the same evils to happen again.

In a country where so many people proclaim tolerance for so many causes why are reminders of our past so offensive ? Do they really believe that plowing down statues to confederate war dead or banning a flag will stop monstrous people from occasionally wreaking mayhem ? I am appalled that so many well meaning people are so wrapped up in symbols and feel good temporary fixes. Their actions and proclamations are silly, uncivilized, and contrary to the liberty millions of Americans cherish.

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