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Friday, July 3, 2015


Two things are killing America and the American Dream.

First, poor political and cultural leaders. Next, the lack of education and common sense among many citizens.

Our political leaders too often proclaim simple solutions to complex problems. They consistently see problem solving as nothing more then spending more and more money. Symbols and feel good temporary measures have become substitutes for adherence to established laws. More and more unnecessary rules are enacted which hamper personal freedoms and entrepreneurship. Consequently, the federal budget has become grossly bloated with record government employment, and painfully fewer services for citizens. Anyone questioning this unlimited government spending is accused of hating women, minorities, the impoverished, and children. Somehow the great War on Poverty has resulted in a price tag in the trillions with little or no decrease in the number of citizens on poverty. Despite the facts of failure to solve social problems with money, politicians will always demand more and more money. Political leaders specialize in dividing people by economic class and race to push the legislation which will get them the most in political donations, lobbyists favors, and reelection. Our mighty Constitution is damned on a regular basis in favor of feel good legislation and court rulings which are destructive to our republican form of government and free market.

Harmful cultural leaders are the preachers, hollywooders, news readers, scientists, and educational elites who consistently slam our Constitution and Christian Judea principles. Preachers who spew political beliefs, Hollywood types who glorify and portray perversion, news readers who are political hacks, scientists who proclaim the worlds greatest threat as something which gets them the most generous government grants, and the educational elites who teach against American values and ideals. These agents want nothing less then to change the USA into a state where citizens have less liberty and the market place is socialized.

Public education has become a business commanded by unions and the federal government. It educates less and indoctrinates children to think less. Instead it builds bureaucracies and laws which have lowered our national educational level to that of a third world nation. Good teachers are hampered in their profession by policies, administrators, and retained lousy instructors. Poorly educated people easily fall prey to the siren song and lies of crooked salespersons, politicians, and cultural icons spewing emotional answers rather than reasoned solutions.

Also, common sense as a commendable national trait is in a downward spiral. Why would we nominate a failed or unqualified person to high public office when their only attribute is that they have a unique sex, race, or national origin ? Why do we continue to accept the notion that the government can solve our social problems with more laws and trillions of dollars ? Why must we continue to sit by silently as the fabric of our culture, borders and common language are ripped to shreds by a tiny number of malcontents ?  Finally, why does our country fail to recognize, defund, and incapicate the evil people and nations which wish to return our twenty first century world to medieval conditions ?

What is killing America are our leaders and citizens too lazy or stupid to understand the lessons of world history, and the marvelous combination of our Constitution with it's rich culture of Christian Judea beliefs.

Midnight is quickly closing in on the miracle of America and a revolution of angry patriots must save the republic and not allow the American Dream to wither and die.


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