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Thursday, June 18, 2015


Mad, evil people slaughter innocent people too many times. However, why does every new atrocity justify a fresh talking point for those who believe all firearms, including legally owned guns, should be banished ?  In my opinion, its not a problem of guns, but a failure of our society and culture.  I think the real solution will not come from the government but from we the people.

Without the second amendment or NRA would gun violence magically end? Should all firearms be  confiscated from citizens by the government?  Should more citizens be armed?  If firearms were only possessed by cops, government agents, and military people, would we be safer? I don't think so.

Many well intentioned people think simple answers solve difficult problems. Banning gun sales and possession or arming everyone will not end murders and massacres. Consider the trillion plus dollar "War on Poverty "and "Obamacare" government plans. They didn't eliminate poverty or expensive health care. History and statistics prove that massive expensive government schemes intended to solve social problems rarely work. A new federal bureaucracy with thousands of employees and billions of tax payer dollars will not erase the dark sickness that poisons the hearts and minds of killers. Rather, I believe the solution to our current homicide crisis lies with each of us who shutter and weep with each new tragedy. We must speak up, counsel, and be wary of those in our families and social circles who exhibit extreme mental anguish and hatred. We must be the eyes and ears to assist the police in preventing further tragedies.

Deranged people will continue to slaughter other people whether they use a gun, ax, knife, pressure cooker, bag of fertilizer, poison gas, bomb, truck, bricks, baseball bat, sword or rope. Sadly, the cities and states boasting the most restrictive gun laws and gun free zones suffer unacceptable rates of murder greater than localities with fewer restrictions. Really bad people don't obey laws or give a damn about civility and human decency. The real question is not how people get killed, but what motivates the killer. Surely, if we could magically cleanse society of mental illnesses, we would greatly reduce the tragedies we too often witness and suffer. However, the grave problem of mental illness also defies a simple fix. Is sleep apnea or PTSD from decades ago mental illnesses ? Are drunkards or substance abusers mentally ill ?

Maybe we can look to yesterdays America and some of our better habits and angels for guidance; families that include parents, communities where people know their neighbors and police, active churches and civic groups, strong schools, law abiding citizens, and more respect for our laws, elders, national flag, language, friendships, religion(s), diversity, families, educational system, and arts.  These things should define and  bind us to a common culture and civilization. Also, more attention to these items might reduce or prevent the conditions that produce unstable, potentially murderous,  people. Perhaps, our last few generations have become too dedicated to instant gratification, materialism, intoxication, selfishness, and the passing trends of the day. Perhaps, we have abandoned our great traditions of personal responsibility, patriotism, lawfulness, civility, neighborliness, and respecting our beautiful differences.

Sadly, if we take away all the guns or give everyone a weapon we will not solve our homicide crisis because evil and mentally ill people will always find a way to produce unspeakable horror. I suggest we should look to our better selves and the better things we can do for each other, ourselves, and our children, kin, and neighbors. Rather than ranting against a political party, politician, NRA, or the Second Amendment, we might consider that more gun laws will not erase or reduce the madmen or madness that haunts our society. The final solution to this great problem must come from within each of us.

America also has a silent killing machine called unlimited abortions. Thousands of innocent black babies are slaughtered monthly, but thats a discussion for later ...

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