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Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Given that the earth is four and a half billion (4,500,000,000) years old and recorded accurate weather information only dates to about 1880 ( 135 ) years, it is ignorant to draw large conclusions from the tiny amount of time for which we have records. The comparison of factual climate data and the earths age would be like defining the mass of sand at Virginia Beach by a few grains of it's sand. Silly. Also, every dire prediction of global warming, freezing or catastrophe claimed by climate alarmists are based on computer models which have little basis in real world data or facts. Since their invention, computers have faithfully cranked out data reflective of the input from computer operators aiming for outcomes favorable to their beliefs. Garbage in, garbage out.

It is no surprise that many scientists and academics swear by man made global warming just as thousands of earths most "enlightened" men swore by a flat earth at the center of the universe a few hundred years ago. In that long ago age, the scientist who opined about gravity, a solar system or a round earth might get banished, excommunicated or burned at the stake. Nowadays, scientists like their ancestor brethren, want acceptance and membership in the cool club acclaimed by the media and the world of academia, so it's easy for them to go along with a falsehood and shout down doubters. Significantly too, scientists must follow whatever the richest governments preach so as to get maximum income by way of grants and funding. In turn the US government has used "bad global changes because of evil man" as a theme to collect more taxes, restrict personal choices (freedom) in the market place, and control voters with emotion rather than reason. Too many people with good brains are unable or unwilling to recognize facts over fiction, and use common sense.

Despite what Al Gore, the king of pop science and billionaire pimp of global warming, would have us believe, the only temporary climate changes we've witnessed and recorded since the 1880's have been caused by volcanoes. Despite all the burned fossil fuels, expended aerosol spray cans, mountains of un recyclable garbage, and plastic six pack straps thrown in the sea our effect on changing the environment has been negligible. Polar bears are not endangered and still swim miles in the open sea, glaciers regularly retreat and advance, and weather seasons still occur. Despite what Gore and his scary opportunist buddies preached thirty or forty years ago, our coastal cities have not disappeared and our food supplies remain adequate. Everyone should know that a heatwave, drought, blizzard, hurricane or tornado, by whatever clever name TWC uses, does not mean the end of the world is upon us. Weather and climate conditions, good and bad, happen every day somewhere without the drama and angst The Weather Channel performers use to gain advertising revenue and ratings.

As Almighty God planned, man is the highest form of nature. Obviously, we should improve our behavior in the natural world. We should use our resources wisely and protect the less intelligent plants, animals, and sea creatures of  our earthly domain. But, man must also use his brain to reject the big lie of catastrophic climate change preached by our government and selected elements of the media and academia. When He or She that moves the planets and makes life decides, the world will incinerate, crumble, implode, drown or cease to exist. In my opinion, earths demise happens by nothing man can say or do despite the big fat ego of some of our species.

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