For the last few years, it has been trendy and acceptable for the mass media to reject serious challenges or criticisms of the Clinton's or any part of the Democrat Party and use the label, " Vast Far Right Wing Conspiracy". However, the truth is, there has never been or will ever be a vast conspiracy from the right. Frankly, Republicans are not crafty enough to mount much of a united front on anything for very long. There is too much intellectual diversity within the GOP to allow for much unity.
But, really strong and lasting political movements are produced and are a continuing reality from the VAST FAR LEFT WING CONSPIRACY which runs deep into the culture and fabric of America. From Walter Cronkite to George Stephanopoulos the great majority of news readers have been far left democrats. These talking heads always claim journalism as their craft while wallowing in the partisan politics of the left. In interviews and presidential debates they sling barbed gotcha questions at republicans and loft fluff ball queries to democrats. Like Stephanopoulos, many are strongly committed to left wing agendas, politicians, and the good old boy system of economic favors and paybacks.
On our college campuses, left wing teachers dominate political and social conversations with their ultra liberal beliefs. These institutions and their professors, which boast higher learning, often ban and allow shout downs of conversations from the right. Learning becomes strict indoctrination to progressive politics and alienation for those with opposing views or serious questions. The American Flag and Ten Commandments have become unacceptable speech at many American universities.
Hollywood and many of it's luminaries decry violence while producing movies and television programs brimming with blood and unearthly gore. Their messages on the big and little screens conform to an agenda of anti capitalism, anti military, anti climate warming skepticism, and anti Americanism. Those who dare use facts to challenge or point out the glaring hypocrisy of the entertainment world are regularly damned. In the self indulgent world of Hollywood if it bleeds, is gay, transgender, or presents any minority as oppressed by evil white people it plays and gets sequels.
Many Democrat politicians bastardized the government - social help movement started by Franklin Roosevelt. It is now a giant monster of bureaucratic spaghetti brimming with over regulation and corrupt leadership. Since the 1950's, the family unit, American work ethic, honesty in government and labor unions degenerated into a negative force which strips poor citizens of their dignity and robs other citizens of their earnings. Any regular Joe or politician who suggests that truckloads of money will never repair our social cancers is quickly branded as a heartless piece of human trash. The fact that trillions did not win the war on poverty or that billions spent in ghettos does not improve the lives of urban occupants is quickly dismissed as hate speech. Minority populations have long been the prostitutes and easy votes for democrat candidates who throw out a few crumbs of welfare or "free" stuff. Universally, Democrat office holders declare the woes of minorities as never their responsibility, and always the result of insufficient funding because of evil republicans.
Sadly, the Democratic Party owns the black vote and may soon own the Hispanic vote. The pandering of social progressive democrats works well, and is most effective among the naive and poorly informed citizens who depend upon the charity of the federal government. Democrat politicians regularly use the "victim" card and emphasize any remote incident of racial injustice to easily harvest the votes of their minority slaves. If greater education and appreciation of our unique society with it's free market and representative government doesn't penetrate the fog of the VAST FAR LEFT CONSPIRACY, America is doomed.
America will face a steady decline and eventual collapse if the VAST FAR LEFT CONSPIRACY of news readers, college teachers, cultural luminaries, and democratic politicians remain the dominant forces. Only intelligent informed voting or revolution can create change to our current national quagmire.
But, really strong and lasting political movements are produced and are a continuing reality from the VAST FAR LEFT WING CONSPIRACY which runs deep into the culture and fabric of America. From Walter Cronkite to George Stephanopoulos the great majority of news readers have been far left democrats. These talking heads always claim journalism as their craft while wallowing in the partisan politics of the left. In interviews and presidential debates they sling barbed gotcha questions at republicans and loft fluff ball queries to democrats. Like Stephanopoulos, many are strongly committed to left wing agendas, politicians, and the good old boy system of economic favors and paybacks.
On our college campuses, left wing teachers dominate political and social conversations with their ultra liberal beliefs. These institutions and their professors, which boast higher learning, often ban and allow shout downs of conversations from the right. Learning becomes strict indoctrination to progressive politics and alienation for those with opposing views or serious questions. The American Flag and Ten Commandments have become unacceptable speech at many American universities.
Hollywood and many of it's luminaries decry violence while producing movies and television programs brimming with blood and unearthly gore. Their messages on the big and little screens conform to an agenda of anti capitalism, anti military, anti climate warming skepticism, and anti Americanism. Those who dare use facts to challenge or point out the glaring hypocrisy of the entertainment world are regularly damned. In the self indulgent world of Hollywood if it bleeds, is gay, transgender, or presents any minority as oppressed by evil white people it plays and gets sequels.
Many Democrat politicians bastardized the government - social help movement started by Franklin Roosevelt. It is now a giant monster of bureaucratic spaghetti brimming with over regulation and corrupt leadership. Since the 1950's, the family unit, American work ethic, honesty in government and labor unions degenerated into a negative force which strips poor citizens of their dignity and robs other citizens of their earnings. Any regular Joe or politician who suggests that truckloads of money will never repair our social cancers is quickly branded as a heartless piece of human trash. The fact that trillions did not win the war on poverty or that billions spent in ghettos does not improve the lives of urban occupants is quickly dismissed as hate speech. Minority populations have long been the prostitutes and easy votes for democrat candidates who throw out a few crumbs of welfare or "free" stuff. Universally, Democrat office holders declare the woes of minorities as never their responsibility, and always the result of insufficient funding because of evil republicans.
Sadly, the Democratic Party owns the black vote and may soon own the Hispanic vote. The pandering of social progressive democrats works well, and is most effective among the naive and poorly informed citizens who depend upon the charity of the federal government. Democrat politicians regularly use the "victim" card and emphasize any remote incident of racial injustice to easily harvest the votes of their minority slaves. If greater education and appreciation of our unique society with it's free market and representative government doesn't penetrate the fog of the VAST FAR LEFT CONSPIRACY, America is doomed.
America will face a steady decline and eventual collapse if the VAST FAR LEFT CONSPIRACY of news readers, college teachers, cultural luminaries, and democratic politicians remain the dominant forces. Only intelligent informed voting or revolution can create change to our current national quagmire.
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