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Friday, March 6, 2015


I believe setting aside a single month of the year to celebrate the history and heritage of black Americans is an insult to all Americans, especially black Americans. Should we not celebrate the history of all colors and cultures which make America a melting pot every day of the year ?

The contributions of black Americans is a critical patch in the great American quilt of success and deserves more than a month of remembrance. Also, do we have enough months to celebrate the culture and contributions of the Armenian, Irish, Japanese, Navajo, Italian, German, Indian, Israeli, Greek, Russian, Polish, Mexican, Nigerian, French, Turkish, Apache, Spanish, Swiss, Russian, Chinese people and hundreds of other groups that blended to make America ?

The citizens of many tribes and nationalities of the world who came to America do not have special months to celebrate their history and heritage. Perhaps a day, weekend or parade to celebrate a fatherland or motherland, but not an entire month. In accomplishments and progress, Americans celebrate their heritage every day making our nation a stronger, richer, and safer homeland. So why do some black leaders think they need a month ? Is slavery the reason they need a February season ? Perhaps. However, the history of mankind records everybody, at some time,  enslaved in some form or another by their own kind or their neighbors. Likewise, every culture, at some time, has been murdered and maimed by their own kind or their neighbors. Slavery in America was a small piece of a world history unfortunately stained with many atrocities and injustices.

Maybe Black History Month is a self serving tool used by some black leaders. It is used to maintain political power over poorly informed and educated citizens. Some leaders seek to justify a sense of entitlement or white guilt for past sins by concentrating on the evil our white ancestors did to our black ancestors. The month is used by many to whine and moan about bad history which has been largely reversed by laws and customs. I think too many unscrupulous leaders are looking for a payday and revel in a perpetual state of victim hood.

Remembering and knowing black history doesn't need a restricted time. Black History can be found in thousands of books, museums, monuments, and speeches which need more than a single month to appreciate and learn. As I recall, The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. made many speeches and sermons to bring Americans of all breeds and creeds together. His messages reminded us of the bad old days, but mostly he preached about unity and justice for all. I honestly do not think he would approve of confining the celebration of black history to a single month. In my opinion, Black History Month is much too important to be segregated to a cold winter month.

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