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Saturday, November 8, 2014


Despite stunning losses the big boss of the Dem's defies the clear mandate of the electorate. His most ardent minions and spokespersons serve as mindless zombies as they follow him in denying the reality of the mid term election results. Even the NAACP is mute in congratulating new black members of congress who happen to be Republicans. The official Obama excuse for massive setbacks is that not enough of the "right" voters voted on election day.

Obama will continue to force his agenda upon America despite the strengthened constitutional role of Republicans. He really believes his pen and bluffs can override the will of the American people, Constitution, and the vote of lawfully elected congressional representatives. Unfortunately, too many Republicans in name only (RINOS) are willing to compromise the will of the people to get favorable headlines and be liked by the liberal establishment. These RINOS must be exposed, shamed and voted out of office in 2016 if they cannot stomach the fight with Obama. Unfortunately, impeachment is impossible as it has become an unwritten new racist amendment that the first black POTUS can never be impeached.

Newly elected members of Congress should understand they were elected as a clear protest to the socialist ideology of Obama. The Republicans have no specific plan and were chosen to simply STOP Obama. Beginning in January the new Congress should flood the White House with bills to dismantle Obamacare, lower corporate tax rates, enforce existing immigration laws, legalize the Keystone pipeline, and halt the rush to socialize this republic. Let Obama grind his veto pen to a nub until more Americans clearly understand his true obstructionist nature. Obama has immorally manipulated his executive power using the federal government to gratify his most ardent contributors and further his progressive ideas. Abuses of power and poor management within the IRS, Department of Justice, Department of Veterans Affairs, and many other agencies underline the incompetence and evil intentions of the Obama Administration.

Republicans should expect no cooperation from Obama and his remaining congressional followers. Turning America back to a direction which celebrates our core values of capitalism and liberty must be a relentless bloodless coup by the combined forces of republicans, conservatives, libertarians and tea party advocates. The cancer that the Obama presidency has spread across our nation must be aggressively treated and eradicated. The process begun with the 2014 mid terms must be finished in 2016.   

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