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Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The atmosphere of the upcoming mid term election reminds me of the famous line shouted by Peter Finch in the great movie Network. "We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore." While much of our current anger may result in defeats for Democratic Party incumbents and candidates, I hope the angst will motivate voters and politicians of both parties. It's time both Republican and Democratic lawmakers rethink their agendas and reasons for holding positions in Congress. It's also time voters demand a common sense return to the Constitution and it's three co equal branches of checks and balances.

Liberalism and the Social Progressive movement of the twentieth century has damaged and nearly wrecked our culture, economy, and borders. Early in the twentieth century, national politicians determined that social problems were the domain of government intervention. The issues of racial inequalities, women's suffrage, child labor abuses, overt pollution, monopolies, and food safety were legitimate concerns and rightly deserved attention and improvement. However, the federal government decided that it alone could solve all the ills of society by enacting laws, growing bureaucracies, and developing a system of ever increasing taxes. The group think of government was believed to be superior to the traditional reforms offered by churches, families, individuals, and civic minded businesses. Unfortunately, world wars and a global depression caused Americans to look the other way as the federal government became the repressive two ton gorilla in the room of societal change. From the days of Woodrow Wilson through the Franklin Roosevelt and the Lyndon Johnson Administration, our government has spent and wasted trillions of dollars on worthless  schemes. Barrack Obama has faithfully carried this liberal progressive banner into the twenty first century, and brought the American brand to the brink of extinction.

Democratic Party controlled government has failed to eradicate poverty, personal irresponsibility, drug abuse, stupidity, alcoholism, gang warfare, health care inequities, and poor educational scores for our children. The only liberal remedy to persistent failure is to build new agencies and appropriate more tax payer money. Simply stated, too many males have abandoned their responsibilities as fathers and in many cities traditional families and their values have disappeared. Government handouts have become the chief source of income, cellphones, housing, and food for too many able bodied workers. Our southern borders have been made porous to allow fresh supplies of illegal aliens to blossom into welfare recipients and guaranteed democratic voters. Our president has bowed and cowered to many foreign bad guys and chosen to call some acts of domestic terrorism "workplace violence." Hollywood play actors, liberal media big wigs, political lefties, plus self proclaimed intellectuals including college professor twits, have convinced too many Americans and impressionable students that our nation is a bad world citizen. It has become almost trendy for these groups to slam America, but surprisingly few ever leave the country they claim is so evil. In a daily refrain we hear that energy self sufficiency is bad, global warming or climate change is the number one threat to civilization, the morals of our grandparents are passé, capitalism is almost a crime, and political conservatives hate children, minorities, women, and the elderly.

Obama gladly and proudly carried forward the theme of big government trumping individual and states rights and the Constitution be damned. However, when his gross inexperience and inabilities revealed dangerous foreign policy failures, citizens began to notice and became alarmed. Historically, the number one responsibility of the President is to protect Americans from domestic and foreign enemies. Bailing out GM, jamming Obamacare into law, screwing veterans, raising a billion dollars in campaign funds, engaging in crony capitalism, overtaxing individuals and corporations, repeatedly lying to the American public, ruling by czars and decrees are not things authorized in the Constitution. However, his failure in defending the nation from terrorism, disease, and illegal aliens are constitutional mistakes that will forever shame his reign.

Voters and potential office holders need to realize that the era of government rejecting the US Constitution and common sense must end very soon. The American public has lost confidence in the present government and politicians willing to whore themselves to the highest paying lobbyist. The Obama regime has bungled our best interests domestically and abroad too many times and people are angry. Therefore, if you are really "mad as hell", dump incumbents and democrats who blindly voted the Obama agenda.

The ballot box is the best way to effect change, however the second amendment may be necessary if bad government and lousy politicians continue to squander our resources, personal liberties, and sovereignty.


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