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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

FERGUSON FACTS & FANTASYS - written 11/2014

Soon all the facts will be revealed from a Grand Jury concerning the death of a young black man at the hands of a white policeman in Ferguson Missouri.

The news will likely indicate a situation in which a policeman was forced and justified to unfortunately use deadly force. The small population of poorly informed citizens of Ferguson may react violently. Their lawlessness may be goaded on by a sympathetic far left media and racist profiteers. Chaos and violence within a small minority of the local African American community may bring further negative notoriety to the area. All the frustrations of the communities lowest social-economic group may whip itself into a frenzy that may hurt people and destroy businesses.

Ferguson reflects many small enclaves within American cities where poorly educated, government subsidized, and fatherless families struggle in a hopeless quagmire of despair, drugs, and violence. This situation is not the fault of, but is enhanced by the steady stream of government welfare plans. Despite trillions in federal expenditures and millions of speeches, poverty and ignorance remain cancers which cannot be healed with government money.

The abysmal leadership of current black national leaders, an inept NAACP, and a gang of "for profit" race pimps have failed to set the correct example and provide guidance for millions of black youngsters. Coming out of World War II the steady strides of improved racial relations faltered when the federal government decided handouts could forever heal the sins of Jim Crow and slavery times. The integrity and importance of family units, churches, education, and social leaders within the black community were diminished as the federal government plotted to fix things with money and over regulation. Over the decades too many black citizens chose dependence over independence, and their self serving leaders promoted federal government schemes. Since FDR, and accelerated by the Johnson administration, a large number of families have become total government dependents unable or unwilling to escape the shackles of welfare.

The facts of Ferguson may ignite all the fantasies held by many in that community. They may believe or be lectured that their unfair world is fueled completely by racial discrimination. So called black leaders and the left wing media will likely trumpet this theme in the days and weeks ahead. If violence and disorder follow, the greatest losers will be those who imagine themselves the victims. Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, Obama, and the news organization talking heads may again stoke the fires of hatred and as Ferguson burns and suffers, they will go home to their comfortable mansions and safe neighborhoods.


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