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Friday, March 8, 2024


Joe Biden's speech was loud, hateful and continued the Obama trend of dividing and conquering Americans by groups. Biden clearly preached a message appealing to the racial, economic and cultural differences of our wonderful and diverse population. It was a mean speech grandly lauded by democratic politicians and their ever loyal media and academic puppets. 

He bragged and lied about fictional successes and promises of more and more federal programs to cure all the problems of our society. More and more federal spending on social programs simply increases our national deficit, increases our taxes, and the growth of the unelected administrative state. Except for national defense, the federal government is a drag on our capitalist republican style of government.

Destroying our southern border, dismantling our move towards energy independence, continuing inflation, the sloppy and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, repeated foreign policy blunders, and the corruption of the Biden Family will be the legacy of this POTUS. History will someday rank him near the failure level of James Buchanan who failed to prevent the Civil War. 

Sadly and significantly, the democratic party is more united than their republican counterparts. Additionally, the legacy media, academic high brows and hollywood weirdos will happily support Biden's second term. If Haley and other leading republicans fail to back Trump 100% and if republican voters fail to vote early, Biden will be reelected in 2024.

A key question remains. Except for the Chinese Virus (Covid) are you better off now than you were four years ago?


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