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Saturday, January 6, 2024


Based upon his recent Philidelphia rant, it is clear Joe Biden and whatever part of America or the democratic party he represents, is poised to win re-election by demonizing Donald Trump and his supporters. 

Biden proclaims that all things Trump and MAGA are evil forces and the antithesis of our free enterprise republic. Using and exaggerating the 1/5 civil disturbance rather than present the successful results of his administration, he insults his chief political opponent. Also, he brands the millions of citizens who believe Trump's presidential tenure was a good period as violence prone cretins.

The Trump years gave us a credible southern border plan. Legal immigrants were welcomed while illegal immigrants were discouraged. We were domestically energy independent and a major world supplier of energy products. Our national economy was vibrant and good for all job holders and entrepreneurs. Without starting wars, our position as the world's leading  military and diplomatic power was apparent. Trump was unafraid to meet with any foreign leader and well represented our best national interests in all his encounters. Trump, like Ronald Reagan, recognized that government by an ever growing bureaucracy in Washington was a danger and impediment to individual freedoms and our free enterprise economy. In my opinion, Trump correctly believes D.C. is a swamp of politicians, bureaucrats, military complex lobbyists, foreign spies and lawyers afraid of a change to their comfortable and profitable status quo. A healthy and wealthy Trump engaged media at every turn and never needed to use his political postion for financial gains.  

In stark contrast, Biden negated our energy independence in the first days of his presidency. This single action began our economic decline and has damned citizens to a continuing state of inflation. He threw open our southern border to any and all illegal immigrants and granted them undeserved rewards which will cost American taxpayers billions of dollars in future taxes. In has sloppy withdrawal from Afghanistan, he clearly signaled the world and our enemies his weakness as a world leader. Biden's economic plan for America known as "Bidennomics" has been a failure where billions have been wasted on silly and unworthy projects. Seems as though Biden seeks to please every fringe segment of the democratic party while ignoring the millions of veterans, homeless and drug addicts who deserve financial assistance more than illegal border jumpers. Lastly, the Biden Family has been corrupted by financial payoffs in return for political favors. Ever so slowly, the facts of this corruption will be revealed and become apparent despite the media, academic and hollywood legions of Biden backers. 

The incompetence and corruption of Biden has been consistently ignored or unreported by the mainstream media. Biden hides and evades the press and their questions. His public words are often filled with lies and the incomprehension of an intellectually challenged old man. His press secretary and cabinet members expertly skirt obvious failures and spin their agenda to blame republicans and Trump for their miscues and mis-deeds. Biden requires special handling and long weekends and vacations away from Washington and his presidential duties.    

Mark well Biden's 1/5/24 speech because it signals his tone for the upcoming election cycle. His simple plan is to demonize republicans and Trump for covid and the failures of his four year administration. Biden's campaign will be an unending diatribe of anger and hate for Trump, his supporters, and any opposing views. Biden has no positive plan to make America better. No fresh ideas to reclaim our energy independence, border security, strong economy or world leadership. Using federal agencies and state governments to snare Trump in endless lawsuits and removal from ballots is clearly a trademark action of communist regimes. Demonizing, imprisioning, silencing and muffling the constitutional rights of the opposition is not an American political or constitutionally legal tradition.

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