If republicans sweep the mid term elections and take control of congress and a few more governorships, what next?
* Will republican lawmakers take steps to immediately and safely utilize ALL forms of energy to insure we regain our energy independence and halt the staggering inflation?
* Will a republican congress eliminate the planned employment of 87.000 new IRS agents and reform the IRS?
* Will republicans assist states and major cities in strengthening their police forces and develop more humane ways to deal with their homeless and drug addicted citizens?
* Will a republican congress take steps to close our borders to all illegal aliens and strengthen our border patrol agents?
* Will republicans enact legislation to strengthen our military forces and eliminate the social engineering of our armed forces?
* Will republicans launch hearings to reveal corruption within the DOJ and implement reforms?
* Will republicans launch hearings to identify and prosecute the groups and individuals responsible for the killings and massive property destruction which occured during the summer of 2020 riots?
* Will republicans disband the Department of Education and return full control and federal funding of public schools to the states?
* Will republican lawmakers shut down or cut off the wasteful progressive spending schemes enacted or proposed by Biden and the democrats?
* Will republicans fully investigate The Biden family business dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine?
* Will republicans re evaluate our funding of the Ukraine Russian War and insist European nations assist their neighbor?
* Will republican legislators fire unelected government officials who have not fulfilled their missions?
* Will republicans introduce legislation to enact reasonable term limits for it's members by age or years served?
Its time for republicans to act on all their campaign pledges and promises. Will they?
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