Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 Seems lately, a lot of people proudly declare they are "woke". 

Their virtue signaling messages beg the question about the time they were not "woke". What and where were they before they became "woke"? 

Were they asleep to the history that got us here? Did they forget the great patriots, inventors, entrepreneurs, political, social leaders and legal immigrants that gave America the greatest free market republic in the history of the world? 

Are they unaware of the immense personal liberties established by a revolution and maintained by millions of involved civic minded citizens and veterans? 

When did these "woke" folks decide the Constitution, Bible and existing U.S. laws were optional tenants of our civilization?

When did these "woke" individuals decide God created more than two sexes? Further, that government could replace the emotional and material support traditionally provided by a nuclear family with laws and mandates.

Are the "woke" knowledgeable of our  full history of magnificent progress and maturity in a steady route to fulfill the promises of our enlightened Constitution? 

Were the "woke" asleep during  basic economics classes which taught the rich, entrepreneurs, corporations and inventors create jobs and wealth?

Do the "woke" understand that government provides few if any consumer services or products, and is primarily interested in taxing people and coveting more power over citizens?

Do the "woke" appreciate that U.S. industry and creativity  helped end world wide poverty common in the nineteenth and twentieth century? 

Were they snoozing when foreign nation after nation sucked up the empty promises of socialism which killed billions, impoverished most while enriching only a few at the top ?

Were the "woke" in a state of slumber when race pimps and wanna be MLK's, preached bad criminal black men were heroes and martyrs? And, questioning anything espoused by  any political, entertainment or social leader of color was an automatic and unforgivable act of racism?

When did the "woke" decide cops and civil law and order were bad things? Who convinced these knuckle heads that it was OK for government agencies and media organizations be used as political weapons against certain politicians and groups of Americans?

When did the "woke" decide "guns" committed crimes and energy independence was a bad thing? And, when did they determine the USA and not China, Russia, India etc. were the greatest world polluters?

When did the "woke" decide wide open national borders were OK and a legitimate way to gain easy voters with rights and benefits equal to or greater than many legal immigrants and citizens? When did our "woke" friends determine the world is doomed to man made climate disasters as announced every few years by climate charlatans and their political puppets?

While many in the "woke" crowd are boastful of their high moral  ground, they are naive and ignorant of history and the real world. In my opinion, many need a strong refresher course in world and American history, and economics 101.



  1. Good Afternoon Charles! I wish this post was sharable.

  2. I'm not an on line wizard but I did publish it on my twitter and facebook sites. Perhaps, it can be shared from there to others ?
