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Wednesday, September 21, 2022


This message is for fair minded voters of all political persuasions. Read no further if you are convinced Donald Trump was and is the embodiment of all evil, MAGA is a nasty term and republicans are unsophisticated, racist, gun toting, xenophobic jackasses. 

If not, consider these issues.

Since Joe Biden became president, our nation has undergone many negative changes. 

First, we are no longer a energy independent nation. The inflating costs of oil has increased the costs of food, housing, energy, new and used cars, gas, and most durable and non-durable goods. These increased costs have exceeded or stressed our weekly salaries or fixed retirement income. Wall Street has suffered shocks which decrease the value of our stock portfolios along with 401k and other retirement plans. Wage increases have simply not kept up with inflation. Biden continues to waste our tax dollars on giveaways designed to appease far left voting blocs, unnecessary wars, and the impossible dream of socialism.   

Guided by far-left political contributors and politicians, Biden has launched huge spending bills commonly lumped together as something called "Biden-nomics". Most of these spending schemes satisfy a fringe group or cause. In the name of "climate change' or "global warming" these plans have increased the national debt and, by necessity, increased taxes for tax paying individuals and corporations. Biden and a tiny group of far left influencers want the government to protect every citizen by government mandates and laws. Regulate all commerce, consumer choices, citizens health care, education, freedom of movement etc. and the USA will be better place is their vision. This is clearly a plan of socialism and dictatorship. Biden and many other political tyrants like to get the easy votes from people accustomed to, or expecting life time relief via government handouts. Masses of otherwise productive, inventive, creative workers and leaders have been hyptonized by cradle to grave government handouts. Give the people "free" food vouchers, "free" telephones, "free" everything forever and enter the brave new world of government "happiness". Does Biden, his political enforcers, and the media base really think socialism is a better economic condition than capitalism? In the history of the world, has socialism ever worked in any large country. Socialism destroys the middle class economically, while taking away individual choices and liberty. Ultimately, socialism only enriches a tiny class of politicians and there most ardent henchmen and financial backers.  

Biden has allowed domestic urban violence, looting, a wide open border, drug deaths,and anti police sentiments to continue. The significant loss of lives, injuries, collosal property damage witnessed by democrat mayors, governors and federal lawmakers after the Floyd murder was far more serious and widespread than the January 6th incident. However, no grand congressional hearings have ever sought to hold individuals or groups accountable in the post Floyd mayhem. Obviously, Biden and many democrats consider law enfocement and the Constitution a most subjective game. Biden and his DOJ focus on a major theme of  demonizing and imprisioing Trump and any political enemies while excusing political officials and their populations which are historically democratically voting areas.  

Biden caused inflation and the loss of our energy independence the day he took office when he shut down our domestic drillings and pipe lines. Appeasing a fanatic "climate change" religious cult, Biden is steadily destroying our standard of living with pipe dreams of wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles. New federal regulations and inititaves  are destroying our traditional energy suppliers, right whales and flocks of winged creatures. Bidenomics and his stupid energy policies have been a joke and big lie enjoyed by OPEC and China at the expense of every American taxpayer.  

Under Biden our Southern border has become a freeway for illegal aliens, drug cartels, and terrorists from all over the globe. Biden keeps our border open in hopes of getting easy votes. He shows no loyalty to the great tradition of legal immigration and absolutely no regard for taxpayers and citizens bearing the burden and suffering unnecessary acts of illegal alien violence. 

Biden and his cadre of agents have failed the country. He blamed the last president for all his shortcomings and failures and promised to unite a divided nation. By his own bumbling, reliance on far left advisors and gross incompetence he has created crisis after crisis and further divided the nation by consistently denouncing half of the nations voters and their intelligence. 

If you are weary of inflation, diminishing 401K values, the flood of southern border illegal immigrants, runaway drug fatalities, police and military defunding, unpunished criminals, increasing prices on  everything, education loan cancellations, career elitist politicians, stupid federal expenditures, maybe 87000 new IRS agents, a foreign war, a near empty federal oil reserve, dependence on our enemies for gas, tax increases, a bigger federal government with more bureaucrats and rules, and a genuinely weak and incompetent president then think change in your future voting. 

Biden must go in 2024. 

A new democrat or republican president willing and able to articulate a common sense approach to fix everything Biden broke must be elected. A big shakeup in Congress is also required to retire the    seriouly old and "do nothing" members unwilling to acknowledge and champion the true concerns of their constuients. 



  1. Agree totally! Well written, Charles !

  2. Also totally agree. Very well written. God help us all!
