Here are my predictions, fears and hopes for the nation and world to the year 2100. As an expert in nothing I believe my forecasts are as legitimate guesses as anyone else's!
The elephant party will regain political power at the local, state and national levels over the next few elections. By mid-century, cooler and more reasonable party leaders will soften the extreme views of far left and right factions of the democrat and republican political machines. More compromises and cooperation will foster a brief period of relative political calm as politicians, bureaucrats and lobbyists seek to advance our liberties as outlined in the Constitution. This positive turn will not be one of altruism but a necessary reaction to parents, taxpayers and voters becoming more aware of their collective power and less tolerant of "cradle to grave" central government controls and horrendous taxation. Transient extremist groups, unlimited government spending, anti-police movements, socialist programs and the religion of climate change will fade as citizens become better educated and less tolerant to swallow the big lies and schemes from the federal government and their media cheerleaders. By late in the century the balance of political power will have shifted between the elephants and donkeys a few times. Old fashioned political warfare will likely close this century.
In the short-term Putin will fail even if he succeeds. A revived and expansive Soviet Union or Russian Empire will not happen because free people such as the Ukrainians will never tolerate foreign invasions and permanent occupation forces. Also, the tenacity and bravery of the Ukranian people will send an important message to China and other wannbe aggressive nations. China will not militarily invade Taiwan. Other would-be aggressive nations will be less anxious to gain new territory and natural resources from their neighbors employing military means. Simply stated, they will get sneakier in their approach. The Chinese Communist Party will lead this trend with a series of "soft" invasions and occupations where extensive economic aid will replace military forces. African, Asian, and Middle East nations will remain primary Chinese targets during the balance of this century. Unless the United States gives Cuba, a lifesaving boost of economic help, this island nation could easily become a new Chinese pursuit. The days of major nations seeking to plant their political will in other places will become rarer and more subtle and not rely so much on armed forces. The power and influence of the UN will continue to diminish until it is disbanded, and New York will get back a valuable piece of its real estate. NATO and other international alliances will stumble along through the century. The evil empire of North Korea will succumb and implode as its beleaguered population learns more of the good life and abundance enjoyed by South Korea and Japan.
The private and government funded programs of space exploration will dramatically expand. For a time, this development will bode well for humanity in terms of new economic development and scientific discoveries. However, great conflicts will arise when a celestial body is found to be rich in natural resources. Earthmen of different nations will race to occupy and mine said planet or star within the next few decades. Space or earth-bound wars may ensue to secure ownership of these new places among the stars. Contact with intelligent beings, not of this earth, will happen before the century ends. The scientific curiosity of humans and celestial aliens will collide and cause this momentous event. If the aliens have any human tendencies or characteristics the outcome could be murky. World religions may be shaken to their core when aliens and earth discoveries in the universe reveal astonishing new information about the origins of all life.
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