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Friday, February 21, 2020


While many conservatives find the current crop of democrat party candidates radical or silly, many  will win elections in 2020 or continue their terms in office. The reason for their victories lie in a passion that links office seekers and voters which liberals understand better than their conservative counterparts.

Those who know the secret of selling recognize the importance of emotion in making a sale or finalizing a deal. Democrat office seekers often do a better job making an emotional connection with their constituents than republicans. Claiming conservatives hate children, minorities and puppies while embracing heartless billionaires is an example of a simple democrat message that works with many voters. Conservatives using history, facts and reason to buoy their arguments in political forums often lose elections. Too many times election results have nothing to do with the facts of an issue, but the better emotional gut punch of one candidate or political party over their adversary.

Trump is the rare exception. Although a republican he delivers strong speeches and messages brimming with fire and emotion.

While conservatives drenched in self confidence believe their world views are correct and the logic of their politics should be self evident to all, liberals see it quite differently. The White House, OAN,  and Rush Limbaugh may spread a daily conservative narrative along with a handful of other commentators, but many people are too busy to listen, understand or absorb the message. On the other hand, the ABC liberal print and electronic media find shiny tidbits of fact or fiction and coloring them into weeping/syrupy battle cries which motivates many to rush out and vote for a liberal or progressive. This advantage is increased when a few dollars, cheerleading local leaders, a free ride to the voting station and donuts are used as incentives by democrat chieftains to overwhelm voting places with democrat voters. I don't think republican leaders are strong on their voter outreach efforts except for annoying robo phone calls.

Republicans and conservatives often wake up the day after an election in shock when they learn  democrats have gained the majority on city council, their state house or The US Congress. Their surprise is heightened when they realize they forgot to vote or only 36% of registered republicans in their precinct participated in the election. Unfortunately, conservatives often see voting as an important civic duty but not a social event worthy of celebration.

President Trump understands selling and has injected a healthy dose of emotion and hell raising in his campaign rallies. He cusses, mocks his opponents, and delivers simple messages, eg. "Build the Wall", "Make America Great Again", "Lock her Up" etc.  As expected, liberals and the main stream media are aghast and hyper critical. Trump has simply enlisted the passion and fire brand style used for decades by his liberal opponents and his opponents don't like it.

In upcoming elections, conservatives must join the celebration and look beyond the logic of their politics. Embrace the emotion of Trump and his America First Agenda. Obviously, remember to vote, remind neighbors to vote, volunteer to get folks to the voting stations, make a few political contributions, slap on a political hat, Trump T shirt, or bumper sticker and politely/cheerfully argue with progressives and socialists.

We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. A unique place where non-violent politics of every stripe is allowed to operate. Our capitalist republic is the dream of billions worldwide who strive to move here, enhance or replicate the outstanding qualities and features of our union.

Celebrate, practice and preach your political beliefs. Our differences make us and our nation stronger. However, don't wake up the day after the election and regret not doing more to get your favorite guy or lady elected.



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