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Wednesday, December 4, 2019


When the democrats and their slavish media trolls assigned quid pro quo as Trump's latest impeachable offense, it brought back memories of Latin classes from sixty years ago. I was curious how quid pro quo could now be a crime. It's been in practice since Orak the caveman offered his stone wheel in exchange for a peace deal with his neighbor Sqak the warrior. It's been common behavior between individuals and groups of friends and foes forever, so why all the fuss over Trump.

To refresh my memory, I consulted my etymological dictionary, an Oxford American word book, several reference guides on word origins and usages, and even the nirvana of on line wisdom - Google. All definitions in different ways stated that quid pro quo was getting something for something. Google used the image of Donald J. Trump in it's explanation for those who need pictures to fire and form their political views and prejudices.

Seems to me, everybody has been quid pro quo ing since the beginning of human kind. From getting a few goats in exchange for a bride to Obama plopping down piles of loot to get a nuclear arms deal from Iran. It's a common accepted practice. Our history and daily affairs constitute hundreds of quid pro quo actions. Unless you're a purist in the charity or philanthropist business, you expect an exchange of your money for a product or service and you expect a matching act of kindness in return for your favor of kindness.

What political, marketplace or human transaction doesn't contain an element of quid prop quo ? It's magical how politicians, celebrities and biased media types can twist a word or action by an adversary one hundred and eighty degrees and make it a sin of unforgivable proportions. Trump is not the first or the last POTUS who will require/demand something for something in his international and domestic dealings.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Now get our there and do a bunch of quid pro quos to get all the holiday gifts for your friends and loved ones !!


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