In the beginning there was a Great Depression of terrible unemployment, hunger, poor housing and a depressed stock market. Then, along came President Franklin Roosevelt. His plan for economic recovery included a patchwork of programs infused with government money and managed by federal bureaucrats. Social Security and all the alphabet agencies of the time steadied the nation's economy until World War II came along.
Roosevelt introduced a soft version of socialism where government involvement in the free market created a spark which saved families and businesses from total collapse. It filled the awful years between our national depression and global war which necessarily and enormously ratcheted up the economy. The FDR programs from the 1930's, in the long view of history, were probably a good thing. In a way, Roosevelt delivered a new, fair and square deal to Americans. The idea of economic equality inspired a generation of idealists seeking a utopia in an imperfect world.
Beyond Roosevelt, many well meaning people began to believe the federal government should control the economy and citizens beyond the limits of the Constitution. In the last eighty years we have seen Washington politicians establish legislation and programs which interfere with the rights of citizens and the normal ebb and flow of a free market. Slowly, our reality has become an awareness that federal law makers think they know what's best and the views of the people are mere obstacles to the greater good.
Massive government programs to provide universal health care, dictate wages, standards of education, assistance to the poor, full rights for illegal aliens, and slavish regulations to save us from the hoax of climate disaster have increased our taxes and dampened economic growth. The LBJ War on Poverty, at a cost of trillions, failed miserably. All the huffing and puffing by the federal education lobby, over the generations, has driven down the scores of our students. The government overlords of our transportation and commerce systems have given us a crumbling infrastructure and third rate system of rail and air transportation. The FBI, Pentagon and CIA have become hot beds of political intrigue and mischief. The federal plans to end gun violence, drug addiction and pollution fail on a regular basis.
The boatload of impossible promises made by political candidates to sucker more votes has become an annual clown show every political season. Bernie, Liz, Joe and other assorted progressives are current champions at promising everybody anything they desire. However, politicos seeking high office have only two core concerns; getting elected and getting re elected. Until they've scammed a fortune from the lobbyists and assorted crooks in the DC swamp, their constituents are only good for their votes. Most of our elected representatives are mired in a state of inertia and are deaf to the real concerns of the nation.
Socialism is a theory which advocates state ownership and control of the means of production, distribution and exchange. America is guilty of a soft version of socialism where certain goods and services are fully or partially controlled by the government. Unfortunately, a few popular political fools and millions of their ignorant supporters advocate a more dominant roll for the government in who gets what services and goods and how much they get. Current presidential candidates demand the ultra wealthy, who provide the capital to support jobs and products, be punished by confiscatory taxes. Others advocate mandatory government run health care. Has anyone experienced a VA hospital lately?
Anyone with a knowledge of history should know the failures of the USSR, Germany, China and other states during their spasms of toliet paper, underwear, potato and controlled rationing schemes. Spending just a week in Cuba or Venezuela with their poorly lit streets, hunger, crumbling infrastructure, and lack of consumer goods should be a required field trip for any serious US socialist advocate. There is a Grand Canyon void between the idealistic dream and reality of practiced socialism. Every progressive candidate enjoys the treasures of capitalism while advocating their new version of a cruel economic system. A system which has denied millions worldwide of their lives, liberty and earthly happiness.
The charlatans of deceit backed by their hideously lying media pals will shout from the roof tops how government control is the new wave of a great future for America. Reject their bullshit and never ever allow our soft layers of socialism to harden into what history has proven to be fools gold.
Roosevelt introduced a soft version of socialism where government involvement in the free market created a spark which saved families and businesses from total collapse. It filled the awful years between our national depression and global war which necessarily and enormously ratcheted up the economy. The FDR programs from the 1930's, in the long view of history, were probably a good thing. In a way, Roosevelt delivered a new, fair and square deal to Americans. The idea of economic equality inspired a generation of idealists seeking a utopia in an imperfect world.
Beyond Roosevelt, many well meaning people began to believe the federal government should control the economy and citizens beyond the limits of the Constitution. In the last eighty years we have seen Washington politicians establish legislation and programs which interfere with the rights of citizens and the normal ebb and flow of a free market. Slowly, our reality has become an awareness that federal law makers think they know what's best and the views of the people are mere obstacles to the greater good.
Massive government programs to provide universal health care, dictate wages, standards of education, assistance to the poor, full rights for illegal aliens, and slavish regulations to save us from the hoax of climate disaster have increased our taxes and dampened economic growth. The LBJ War on Poverty, at a cost of trillions, failed miserably. All the huffing and puffing by the federal education lobby, over the generations, has driven down the scores of our students. The government overlords of our transportation and commerce systems have given us a crumbling infrastructure and third rate system of rail and air transportation. The FBI, Pentagon and CIA have become hot beds of political intrigue and mischief. The federal plans to end gun violence, drug addiction and pollution fail on a regular basis.
The boatload of impossible promises made by political candidates to sucker more votes has become an annual clown show every political season. Bernie, Liz, Joe and other assorted progressives are current champions at promising everybody anything they desire. However, politicos seeking high office have only two core concerns; getting elected and getting re elected. Until they've scammed a fortune from the lobbyists and assorted crooks in the DC swamp, their constituents are only good for their votes. Most of our elected representatives are mired in a state of inertia and are deaf to the real concerns of the nation.
Socialism is a theory which advocates state ownership and control of the means of production, distribution and exchange. America is guilty of a soft version of socialism where certain goods and services are fully or partially controlled by the government. Unfortunately, a few popular political fools and millions of their ignorant supporters advocate a more dominant roll for the government in who gets what services and goods and how much they get. Current presidential candidates demand the ultra wealthy, who provide the capital to support jobs and products, be punished by confiscatory taxes. Others advocate mandatory government run health care. Has anyone experienced a VA hospital lately?
Anyone with a knowledge of history should know the failures of the USSR, Germany, China and other states during their spasms of toliet paper, underwear, potato and controlled rationing schemes. Spending just a week in Cuba or Venezuela with their poorly lit streets, hunger, crumbling infrastructure, and lack of consumer goods should be a required field trip for any serious US socialist advocate. There is a Grand Canyon void between the idealistic dream and reality of practiced socialism. Every progressive candidate enjoys the treasures of capitalism while advocating their new version of a cruel economic system. A system which has denied millions worldwide of their lives, liberty and earthly happiness.
The charlatans of deceit backed by their hideously lying media pals will shout from the roof tops how government control is the new wave of a great future for America. Reject their bullshit and never ever allow our soft layers of socialism to harden into what history has proven to be fools gold.
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