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Thursday, January 22, 2015


It is interesting how much print and media attention deflated footballs have gotten since the Foxboro fellows whopped the boys from Indy.

Obviously, from the massive in depth coverage, if there is one law in America that MUST be honored and upheld it is the NFL commandment concerning proper pigskin inflation. News media and political biggies are alive with peeps and repeats of the story, it's evil undertones, and potential harm to civilization. Not since the Magna Carta, US Constitution, or Dred Scott Decision have so many self proclaimed important people become so excited and chatty. Will this new national furor surpass the Hippie movement of the 60's, The Crusades or Occupy Wall Street movements of the past ?

Forget that we have an Obama Regime that rules with a veto pen and host of unelected czars. Forget that the IRS, Veterans Administration, Justice Department, US Postal System, Amtrak and other government agencies are insults to honesty and efficiency. Forget that the crime rate in Chicago and other big cities kill more young people than our current wars. Forget the trillions wasted on a Democratic Party "War on Poverty" which only increased welfare participants and handouts. All these issues are second or third page news today in light of the deflated football offenses of the New England Patriots.

Currently, the powers of media and public opinion would have us believe that deflated footballs are an important part of the national agenda. Are too many Americans being
amused and informed by TMZ and Entertainment Tonight tales that deflect from the  important news of the day ? Is real news being replaced by asinine fluff  issues to hide the reality of a corrupt government and our increasing loss of liberty ?

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