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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

THE MOBS OF FERGUSON & CNN - written Nov. 2014

The mobs of Ferguson and all the wannabe Ferguson mobs are a mindless muddle of people heading in no particular direction just like the Occupy Wall Street fools of a few months ago.

There are children and teens with no homework, curfew, or responsible parents. Also, adults lacking jobs, curfews, and maturity who fill the night streets. Add, out of town people looking for looting and mayhem opportunities and a few serious terrorists hoping to score murder or disorder. Importantly, there are the bands of CNN and CNN wannabes following the mobs looking to sensationalize the sadness of street violence while enhancing their resumes and reputations. The CNN mobs will flame the fires to keep the news cycle alive and earn more advertiser dollars. The only group with discipline and order are the cops. However, they are forced to chase the rampaging mobs busy killing cop cars, looting liquor stores, destroying private property, aimlessly firing guns, and showing off for CNN.

The news reporting talking heads anxiously wait for the mobs to do something provocative so they can rush in and get more air time. To be expected regular mob people hustle and misbehave to get a few seconds of attention from the CNN cameras and personalities. Mobs of other mindless people in faraway cities rush and rumble to support whatever it is the mobs in Ferguson think they are protesting or accomplishing. With their signs and attitudes they disrupt traffic, businesses, and normal folks. CNN breathlessly reports all the movements like the play by play coverage of some big football game.

Mobs are mindless things lacking information, order, responsibility, or accountability.  No individual within a mob would ever dare do anything untoward without a screaming supportive cast of fools at his or her back. It takes no courage and little intelligence to join a mob. Many mob folk wear disguises and masks to hide their faces and identity. They chant things which are sometimes phrases of profanity or mindless clichéd drivel lacking facts or any grasp of reality. The Ferguson hoards have destroyed businesses and property in their own neighborhoods which will force employers to relocate and take precious jobs out of the area. While they curse the police, when one of their own needs protection, a fire extinguished, or medical aid the mob people demand instant help from their police or fire personnel.

Despite what Governor Nixon, President Obama,  Holder, and the usual mob of national race profiteers say, there is no valid case to be made against the white policeman who unfortunately killed a young black man. The real tragedy in Ferguson is the lack of education, parental direction, jobs, and meaningful black leaders for it's minority population. Shame on the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, and other  black leader mobs for their pronouncements which simply flame the fires of unrest. The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King must be crying as he looks down from heaven. Racial relations in America have steadily declined since his inspiring days of leadership.

The majority of citizens in Ferguson are embarrassed by the actions of the few who are destroying their community. The various mobs amassed in Ferguson and other urban areas will eventually fade, despite the best efforts of the CNN gang, as it becomes increasingly apparent that the reason for their discontent is not the police or the tragic death of one youngster.

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