Blog Archive

Friday, May 2, 2014


A few months ago we had a family move into our neighborhood. The new folks consisted of a mom, dad, two grade school aged girls, and one cheerful bouncing black lab.

Soon the little girls were joined by other local rug rats in innocent outdoor play and that is when it became apparent we had a problem. Seems the smallest of the girls was a screamer. Not just a child capable of emitting little bursts of sound, but a megaphone throated prodigy. I believe her screaming has interrupted the sleep cycle of buried cicadas in my backyard half way through their seven year slumber. Recently, when this child let loose her scream I noticed their black lab run for cover, and formations of Canada geese change their flight pattern. Dolly Cat's long hair stands out straight as she scurries under a bed when the scream passes through the brick walls of our home.

Now children at play are always bubbling over with laughs, hoots, shouts, and happy sounds. It's all normal and pleasant to witness the music of joy from children, but this little girl has a gift, or possibly a curse, of extreme shrillness and loudness. Her vocals have a decibel level which might easily compete with the screech of  jets at Langley Air Force Base. From observations I am sure her screams are sounds of fun, excitement, discovery, or made to get attention. I do not think mom and dad are performing acts of torture.

Her scream of several ear damaging seconds seems to be used at times of happiness, but would be equally appropriate if a Frankenstein monster bounded out her closet at midnight.

Surry Nuclear Power Plant has a sophisticated system of sirens to warn huge swathes of the Tidewater if something bad is or might be ready to happen. The Weather Bureau calls our home when dangerous weather is forecast. Now, our neighborhood has this cute little girl who alerts the entire street when she and her pals are at play.

There are rumors her daddy has gotten a job promotion to Florida. If true, thank you Lord, and be warned Sunshine State seniors.        

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