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Monday, May 5, 2014


It has become increasingly apparent that the accusations, claims, and name calling associated with racial differences is a big business that will never go away. Too many politicians, government bureaucrats, and Al Sharpton types depend on the revenue and media attention generated in the name of racism.

Slavery, Jim Crow, separate but equal laws, and other vestiges of racial discrimination are gone, and yet the mere whisper or suggestion of a racial epithet from a white person brings a firestorm of attention and renewed debate. While slavery in America ended nearly one hundred and fifty years ago, too many race profiteers would have us believe it's 1862 all over gain.

In Florida when a young black thug was gunned down by a young zealous cop wannabe Hispanic was it racism or two young and immature men making deadly mistakes ? When a renowned southern chef lady or the cattle rancher in Nevada were discovered to have made racially offensive comments years ago do they deserve universal condemnation ? Why were the sad events of Ferguson immediately pre judged by an anxious media and gang of hate mongering politicians and malcontents ? Why is it OK for one group of Americans to casually use the term "nigger", and yet their light skinned brethren will be crucified for using the offensive word ?

Real and brutal slavery is still active in parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. However, the American liberal media chooses to only see and sensationalize  transgressions from Americans. These heralded reports may be genuine acts of racism, but are probably more manifestations of stupidity. Compared to a world stage of overt acts of slavery and human trafficking, the United States is a bit player.

Unfortunately, too many federal agencies, employees, politicians, and professional race profiteers depend on the bad old days of widespread racial discrimination. Tons of people would lose their salaries, livelihoods, and causes if the reality of good racial relationships was broadcast with the same intensity as incidents of discrimination.

It is not politically correct to state that all American slaves and slaveholders are buried in the past and their descendants are far removed from the 1860's. The myth of bad racial relations is alive and well and apparent when a proven liar (Sharpton) hosts an MSNBC news program. Too many politicians use the well worn "race card" to get elected, divert attention from their incompetence, or support funding for another federal agency pursuing phantom racists.

To paraphrase Rodney King, "can't we all just get along" ? Indeed, can't we all get past 1861, and see the America of 2014 is a land of diminished racial discrimination.  Unfortunately, the truly bigoted profiteers of race will persist in keeping racism a big business. They appeal to the most poorly informed and educated citizens and use any excuse to generate hatred while they line their pockets.


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