I believe within the next fifty years there will be a second Civil War. This civil upheaval will ravage the people and landscape of America. This war will not pit race against race or necessarily rich against poor. Rather, this conflict will highlight supporters of the twentieth century era of "government benevolence" fighting forces dedicated to "less government" and more personal freedom and the free market.
The powers of "government benevolence" will be supported by the federal government, academia, military big shots, and the creators of public opinion and entertainment. Their cause will be more and more government control over the public and private affairs of people. Their assumption will be, and has always been, that people lack the will, intelligence, or skill to survive in a modern world. Therefore, it is their obligation as a benevolent and intelligent government ruling class to guide people throughout all the days of their lives. The goal will be accomplished by the full implementation of a hyper and hybrid forms of socialism and eventually communism. Under this scheme all goods and services will be equally distributed to people by government bureaus of clerks and civil servants.
To pay for this program of universal sharing the government would cease to tax, but take possession of all personal property, goods, wages, and valuables within the fifty states and territories. Personal property would become forbidden. The wants and needs of citizens would then be supplied by government bureaucrats as they deem appropriate. Further, the benevolent government forces will seek to extend their authority to eventually dominate the cultural, medical, educational, social, and religious lives of all Americans. Government agencies will grow, and individuals or groups resisting "government benevolence" will be humiliated, isolated, fined, imprisoned, or executed. The elite of the "government benevolent" ruling class will not be included in this scheme. They will enjoy a lifestyle of great extravagance and pleasure for, what will be classified, as their extra ordinary service to the populous.
The "less government" forces will be surviving members of the Tea, Libertarian, independent, democrat and republican parties, plus millions of other Americans faithful to the tenants of the Constitution, market capitalism, self determination, property rights, and personal liberty. Initially, this group will be a weak and fragmented coalition. Infighting among the leadership will severely restrict it's message and effectiveness. In the early years of this war the "less government" crowd will suffer setbacks and even casualties. However, like a weak flame in a gale the "less government" assemblage will survive one liberty robbing pogrom after another, and eventually it's light will burn brighter.
Despite voting restrictions, holding political office or publishing, elements of the movement will cling to life and slowly prosper. Because of the second amendment, guerrilla warfare, and a vigorous plan of education, the "less government" coalition will eventually grow. The "less government" forces will flourish in spirit and numbers. Some "government benevolence" key military leaders will grow weary and likely join the "less government" crowd. Also, many citizens will switch over to the growing legions of "less government" proponents as they realize the emptiness in the gray and hopeless world of "government benevolence".
Sadly, this second Civil War of Americans restricting and even killing other Americans will rage for years. I cannot foresee the outcome. However, the scars of the conflict will mark a temporary end to the "exceptionalism" which brightly distinguished the United States from other world nations. The presence of a conflict will generate and sustain hope among people of all nations and cultures in the coming centuries.
Proof of this trend is on clear display from the likes and policy initiatives of the AOC gang, socialist presidential campaigns of Sanders and Warren, and government over reach by the likes of Bloomberg, Cuomo, Northam and other big government advocates. The only solution to prevent this awful civil disorder lies with citizens who recognize their vote and voice as vital tools to preserve our republic, constitution and capitalist traditions.
The powers of "government benevolence" will be supported by the federal government, academia, military big shots, and the creators of public opinion and entertainment. Their cause will be more and more government control over the public and private affairs of people. Their assumption will be, and has always been, that people lack the will, intelligence, or skill to survive in a modern world. Therefore, it is their obligation as a benevolent and intelligent government ruling class to guide people throughout all the days of their lives. The goal will be accomplished by the full implementation of a hyper and hybrid forms of socialism and eventually communism. Under this scheme all goods and services will be equally distributed to people by government bureaus of clerks and civil servants.
To pay for this program of universal sharing the government would cease to tax, but take possession of all personal property, goods, wages, and valuables within the fifty states and territories. Personal property would become forbidden. The wants and needs of citizens would then be supplied by government bureaucrats as they deem appropriate. Further, the benevolent government forces will seek to extend their authority to eventually dominate the cultural, medical, educational, social, and religious lives of all Americans. Government agencies will grow, and individuals or groups resisting "government benevolence" will be humiliated, isolated, fined, imprisoned, or executed. The elite of the "government benevolent" ruling class will not be included in this scheme. They will enjoy a lifestyle of great extravagance and pleasure for, what will be classified, as their extra ordinary service to the populous.
The "less government" forces will be surviving members of the Tea, Libertarian, independent, democrat and republican parties, plus millions of other Americans faithful to the tenants of the Constitution, market capitalism, self determination, property rights, and personal liberty. Initially, this group will be a weak and fragmented coalition. Infighting among the leadership will severely restrict it's message and effectiveness. In the early years of this war the "less government" crowd will suffer setbacks and even casualties. However, like a weak flame in a gale the "less government" assemblage will survive one liberty robbing pogrom after another, and eventually it's light will burn brighter.
Despite voting restrictions, holding political office or publishing, elements of the movement will cling to life and slowly prosper. Because of the second amendment, guerrilla warfare, and a vigorous plan of education, the "less government" coalition will eventually grow. The "less government" forces will flourish in spirit and numbers. Some "government benevolence" key military leaders will grow weary and likely join the "less government" crowd. Also, many citizens will switch over to the growing legions of "less government" proponents as they realize the emptiness in the gray and hopeless world of "government benevolence".
Sadly, this second Civil War of Americans restricting and even killing other Americans will rage for years. I cannot foresee the outcome. However, the scars of the conflict will mark a temporary end to the "exceptionalism" which brightly distinguished the United States from other world nations. The presence of a conflict will generate and sustain hope among people of all nations and cultures in the coming centuries.
Proof of this trend is on clear display from the likes and policy initiatives of the AOC gang, socialist presidential campaigns of Sanders and Warren, and government over reach by the likes of Bloomberg, Cuomo, Northam and other big government advocates. The only solution to prevent this awful civil disorder lies with citizens who recognize their vote and voice as vital tools to preserve our republic, constitution and capitalist traditions.
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