Since 9/11/2001 our nation has struggled to punish the evil people, and forces behind the cowardly massacre of innocent Americans.
In Iraq at considerable human and material costs we overthrew a despot, and allowed the nation to begin anew. Unfortunately, months since our withdrawal, Iraq has slipped back to a pattern of brutality between opposing religious and tribal groups. Although we assassinated Bin Laden, our efforts in Afghanistan have failed to unite people of different ethnicity's and religious beliefs. The entire mid east, save Israel, has been a source of terror, and unrest over the last twenty or thirty years. Unfortunately, the inept Obama Administration has done nothing to stabilize the unrest in the region. His poor leadership coupled with bumbling lieutenants have increased the boldness of our enemies and their sponsors. Our national interests and prestige have plummeted in this region despite our billions in foreign aid. In the entire area only Israel stands with America.
Perhaps we should consider a few lessons from history as we continue our struggles in the middle east, and seek new directions.
First, the warriors of Allah are relentless. After 1100 years of rule in Constantinople by the Eastern or Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Turks conquered this eastern bastion of Christianity in 1455. In the name of Allah, brutality upon brutality chilled every Christian of the region. Italy and much of western Europe were gripped by fear as the Turks marched, and conquered the Balkan Peninsula. Also, large portions of Austria, Serbia, and Hungary came under the scimitar of Muslim rule. European and Papal leaders of the time were weak. The Crusades did little to bring peace. The friction with Muslims has remained a constant in Eastern Europe and Asia for the last seven hundred years. Fast forward to today, and the threat of terrorism masked in the religion of Allah continues to disrupt the peace and social progress of civilized nations.
In the fall of 1945, America was faced with the awful prospect of invading the Japanese Homeland to end the Pacific portion of World War II. Despite staggering battle losses, and greatly diminished war supplies the Japanese Empire had sworn a fight to the last man. President Truman, and other Allied Leaders were advised that a physical invasion might cost a million soldiers in addition to hundreds of thousands or millions of Japanese casualties. President Truman also knew that a new weapon was available which could deliver in a single blast a destructive force awesome beyond belief. In my opinion, his decision was the most difficult choice faced by any individual in the twentieth century. After the horrific Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings the Japanese emperor and his generals quickly surrendered. Although the atomic bombs killed and maimed thousands a terrible war was ended, and millions of lives were saved.
Sadly, over the centuries war and violence have become the chief means to settle disputes between nations. For many simple and complex reasons , The League of Nations and United Nations have been colossal failures. In the end, throughout history, the nation with the biggest punch, and greatest resolve has survived the longest. The atom bombs deployed in Japan nearly seventy years ago branded the U.S as a superpower. We had then and now a really big stick to use as a weapon or negotiation tool. Perhaps had we fearlessly and boldly deployed a nuclear bomb or two in the Mid East several decades ago our growing losses in soldiers, resources, and world respect would have been minimized. Also, and of greater significance, the despots of the region would understand that America the superpower would never again allow a 9/11/200. As a united nation we answered the injury and insult of Pearl Harbor with total victory over an enemy. In our time, have we yet erased the evil forces which brought us 9/11, or do we even have that clear goal on our national agenda ?
Our nation and the world has been in a muddle over mid eastern terrorism for many years. We have been unable to talk peace or buy peace from fanatics and warrior nations bent on destroying our civilization and culture. Is it time for a bold leader to make the calculations, and mute the madness of our enemies with the most horrible weapons in our arsenal ? Give them fair warnings and a demonstration in their desert, but by all means keep the option alive.
In Iraq at considerable human and material costs we overthrew a despot, and allowed the nation to begin anew. Unfortunately, months since our withdrawal, Iraq has slipped back to a pattern of brutality between opposing religious and tribal groups. Although we assassinated Bin Laden, our efforts in Afghanistan have failed to unite people of different ethnicity's and religious beliefs. The entire mid east, save Israel, has been a source of terror, and unrest over the last twenty or thirty years. Unfortunately, the inept Obama Administration has done nothing to stabilize the unrest in the region. His poor leadership coupled with bumbling lieutenants have increased the boldness of our enemies and their sponsors. Our national interests and prestige have plummeted in this region despite our billions in foreign aid. In the entire area only Israel stands with America.
Perhaps we should consider a few lessons from history as we continue our struggles in the middle east, and seek new directions.
First, the warriors of Allah are relentless. After 1100 years of rule in Constantinople by the Eastern or Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Turks conquered this eastern bastion of Christianity in 1455. In the name of Allah, brutality upon brutality chilled every Christian of the region. Italy and much of western Europe were gripped by fear as the Turks marched, and conquered the Balkan Peninsula. Also, large portions of Austria, Serbia, and Hungary came under the scimitar of Muslim rule. European and Papal leaders of the time were weak. The Crusades did little to bring peace. The friction with Muslims has remained a constant in Eastern Europe and Asia for the last seven hundred years. Fast forward to today, and the threat of terrorism masked in the religion of Allah continues to disrupt the peace and social progress of civilized nations.
In the fall of 1945, America was faced with the awful prospect of invading the Japanese Homeland to end the Pacific portion of World War II. Despite staggering battle losses, and greatly diminished war supplies the Japanese Empire had sworn a fight to the last man. President Truman, and other Allied Leaders were advised that a physical invasion might cost a million soldiers in addition to hundreds of thousands or millions of Japanese casualties. President Truman also knew that a new weapon was available which could deliver in a single blast a destructive force awesome beyond belief. In my opinion, his decision was the most difficult choice faced by any individual in the twentieth century. After the horrific Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings the Japanese emperor and his generals quickly surrendered. Although the atomic bombs killed and maimed thousands a terrible war was ended, and millions of lives were saved.
Sadly, over the centuries war and violence have become the chief means to settle disputes between nations. For many simple and complex reasons , The League of Nations and United Nations have been colossal failures. In the end, throughout history, the nation with the biggest punch, and greatest resolve has survived the longest. The atom bombs deployed in Japan nearly seventy years ago branded the U.S as a superpower. We had then and now a really big stick to use as a weapon or negotiation tool. Perhaps had we fearlessly and boldly deployed a nuclear bomb or two in the Mid East several decades ago our growing losses in soldiers, resources, and world respect would have been minimized. Also, and of greater significance, the despots of the region would understand that America the superpower would never again allow a 9/11/200. As a united nation we answered the injury and insult of Pearl Harbor with total victory over an enemy. In our time, have we yet erased the evil forces which brought us 9/11, or do we even have that clear goal on our national agenda ?
Our nation and the world has been in a muddle over mid eastern terrorism for many years. We have been unable to talk peace or buy peace from fanatics and warrior nations bent on destroying our civilization and culture. Is it time for a bold leader to make the calculations, and mute the madness of our enemies with the most horrible weapons in our arsenal ? Give them fair warnings and a demonstration in their desert, but by all means keep the option alive.
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