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Friday, March 8, 2013

Advice for Little Kim of North Korea

Little Kim of North Korea would be wise to look at history.

To enhance his world standing, and improve the lot of his people he should formally declare war on the
United  States and all it's allies. After a few days of some harmless and gratuitous missile launches he should  then unconditionally surrender.

Following the history of the United States in it's previous wars and conflicts we would then rush in and supply the North Koreans with their every want and need. We might require a few occupying soldiers for window dressing, but essentially the economy and culture of North Korea would be opened to all the wonders of the modern world.

Under the most liberal of surrender terms Little Kim would be free to take his wealth and escape to an island paradise or be given a tryout with the NBA.  The long suffering North Korean people would be deluged by trillions of dollars in foreign aid and quickly resemble a snowy Hong Kong.

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