When the word diversity was first introduced into the national dialogue it was an attractive feature of our culture. Generally, it was accepted as a strength to our national fabric. However, over time and taken to it's extreme, diversity has become a destructive element to the unity of our republic.
While millions of Europeans, Africans, Asians, and South Americans have undoubtedly added power and originality to America, their collective contribution has been demeaned over the last quarter century. We are no longer a melting pot but now a country of hyphenated loyalties. We allow too many immigrants to remain alien from the common language of English and the need to accept responsibility for American citizenship. Unfortunately, many leaders of these diverse communities call for an isolation from the mainstream of American culture while demanding all the privileges of being American.
Even some national leaders de-emphasize the importance of a standard border, set of cultural traditions, and the English language as necessary uniting elements for our nation. Celebrating diversity is a healthy exercise until it divides and isolates Americans from a union dedicated to free enterprise, the English language, common borders, laws, and our unique American culture.
Leaders insisting that diversity is more important then our unification are dangerously close to dividing the nation. Teaching more diversity then our common bonds is an education which will ultimately destroy our nation.
I am proud of the contributions of my immigrant ancestors and the diversity of the foreign born who collectively built the world's greatest economy and democracy. But, I think it is wrong to allow diversity to become a division among our citizens. Beware the political leaders more interested in dividing then uniting Americans over economic, racial, and cultural differences.
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