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Thursday, December 8, 2011


For centuries mankind has sought peace on earth.  However, our diverse religions, philosophies, and politicians have given us too many easy reasons to mark all the seasons with war and misery.

Man seems incapable of achieving universal harmony despite touting itself as the earth's smartest creature and establishing  hundreds of different flavored religions. Indeed, men of different cultures, political persuasions, and colors have no sustained record or good prospects for achieving world tranquility.

Therefore, my Christmas wish is for an invasion of space aliens. Not the cuddly big headed ET type, but the groveling, vicious, slimy, sharp toothed monsters of our worst nightmares. These creatures should be killers and destroyers lacking any mercy and holding a warrior technology better then mankind's.

I believe such an alien invasion would unite mankind against a dangerous and common enemy. The differences in religions, cultures, and politics would evaporate in the face of a gruesome adversary. After battling horrible unearthly things, earth men would discover common ground among all it's tribes and clans.

An H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" is what we need to truly appreciate the beauty of our tiny blue planet and all it's inhabitants.  If Santa cannot find this in his gift bag,  perhaps the Supreme God of all Gods will craft an event from outer space. We need a miracle to somehow unite all of us. Perhaps it soars from our prayers and dreams to the starry sky's and the wonders beyond our eyes. 

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