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Monday, October 25, 2010

Democrats Dumb as Road Kill Deer

This past weekend I traveled across the Commonwealth. As I motored from the coastal plain through the Piedmont past the rolling hills to the mountains of Virginia I observed a sad sight along the highways. Every 10 or 20 miles a white tailed deer was seen dead at the roads edge. Many does, a few fawns and bucks slaughtered by the unrelenting traffic. Obviously, during the rut and with so many cars and trucks this tragic outcome is predictable but it was nonetheless shocking to see so many large animals crushed and crumpled.

Although peaceful and beautiful creatures they lack an important mental ability. For all their Bambi appeal and those huge soft brown eyes deer cannot resist or avoid the bright lights signalling fatal vehicular collisions. While many have probably observed their kindred dying in the motorways something prevents them from learning to avoid death by car crash. Many forest animals are similarily afflicted but seeing these large handsome deer killed is a disturbing sight.

These dead deer remind me of die hart Democrats. These folks have long been hypnotized by the dreams of spending your tax dollars to make the world a place of their ideals. The brightest glowing star of their aspirations was and is Barrack Obama. In riveting teleprompter speeches and dramatic stage settings the blinding light of Obama was swept to the presidency. Here his inexperience, arrogance, and bad ideas wrecked the economy, diminished our international standing, and reopened the old wounds of class warfare and racism.

Despite the last two years of obvious failures many millions of democrats will vote again for the Obama agenda in the upcoming congressional elections. Like those deer charging wildly into traffic these dumb democrats, with brains which should give them a mental edge over forest creatures, will fall prey to the bright lights of more Obama foolishness. God and or Nature gave men larger brains then animals but many democrats must use their extra brain cells to remember lottery numbers or sports scores. Any knowledge of the Constitution, a free market economy, or "American Exceptionalism" would tell them to avoid the appealing, yet deadly bright lights of more Obama socialism.

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