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Tuesday, September 17, 2024


I have followed presidential races since the days of Ike and am alarmed and saddened by the current presidential election. While the major political parties represent different visions for America's future, there is an element of hate and outrage that is dangerous and extreme.

Supporters of both candidates show great enthusiasm and passion. However, I don't understand individuals and groups who support the physical destruction or lifetime imprisonment of Donald Trump. Equally, those who feel the election of Kamala Harris would end our free enterprise republic hold an over-the-top view, in my opinion.

All should be reminded of our nation's federal government unique structure of three equal and separate branches; executive, judicial and legislative. Over the decades of war and peace, these departments have checked the other branches and controlled the chaos of dark domestic and international events. Additionally, I believe the resilience of citizens in surviving major national challenges such as The Civil War, full integration of minorities, women's suffrage and terrible periods of war highlight a reasonable population of men and women.  

In my opinion, since the beginning we have been a nation of incredible natural resources, an outstanding body of founding principles and laws, and a diverse population of the world's best people. Our prosperity, peace and progress has never depended on one president or the other, but on the people of the nation.

While supporting your preferred candidate with passion and facts, supporting extremes to win the day is evil and un-American. I am confident that America will survive no matter the outcome of the 2024 election and pray that the merchants of hate will end or tone down their harmful rhetoric.

God Bless Kamala, Donald and the United States of America!

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Charlie,
    This is a very balanced post…my only challenge is to the stability and independence of our three branches of government; as one candidate has written plans to undermine such. A Kona lady🌴
