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Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Given the grave situation in the Middle East, our wide open southern border and a ruling political party in Washington unable or unwilling to show leadership, I'd say we may be on the brink of some bad times. How many terrorists getting through our southern border will it take to stain our nation with another 9/11 catastrophe? 

Biden shut down our energy independence, fled Afghanistan in a manner which reeked of weakness and chaos. Further, he has shown little or no courage in facing the military and economic challenges of China. In my opinion, Biden is either a very weak or comprimised President. Maybe both. Is he and his family beholding to China for illegal financial gains? 

How many more rounds of apeasement to Iran or billion dollar outlays to Ukraine will it take before our leaders in Congress put a stop to Biden's sloppy and dangerous giveaways and governance?

For the last three years, the world and United States have suffered a steady siren song about climate change, a Justice Department at war with Trump, bidnenomics, he/she pronouns, and an agenda catering to the most extreme political and social changes of the far left. Our national budget has been wrecked by printing dollars worth less than one hundred cents. This has happened to fund out of control federal spending chasing the impossible dreams of socialism and enriching self serving lobbyists, politicans and the power brokers of the military/industrial complex. 

As 2024 state and federal elections loom, do we need new leaders with more pragmatic, objective views and goals?  Can our nation really afford more of what we've witnessed since Biden and his wishy washy lot took over in 2021?

Whether their political tag is Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent don't we need fresh leaders dedicated to our Constitution, body of established laws and capitalism? 

Our nation and world have become more dangerous over the last few years because of poor politicans and their stupid decisions. Is it not time for Americans to snuff out this lousy status quo and get America back to it's role as the dominant world beacon of representative government and economic greatness?

See you all at the voting booths!


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