Biden and his handlers are failing America, undertaking unconstitutional initiatives , and steadily destroying our position as the worlds chief economic and military superpower.
Build Back Better was Biden's 2020 campaign theme intended to mark Trump's term in office as something bad and establishing Biden's blueprint for a "better" America. Is it working as planned ? Bidenomics was the Biden plan to restore the economy to pre-Covid levels snd its been a collosal falure.
1. Despite Trump's "warp speed" initiatives, deaths and serious illnesses from covid have surpassed 2020 and 2021 numbers. Is this because the virus exceeds our medicines or because the politics of an ongoing crisis coupled with confusing advice and government mandates stole our liberty? Did the Biden administration cave to Fauci, teacher unions and the pharmaceutical lobbies?
2. Biden shutting down our major oil supply lines and reducing licenses for new energy explorations has nearly doubled gasoline pump prices and been the fuel to persistent inflation for most goods and services. Petroleum prices have risen dramatically and Biden's only remedy has been to drain our strategic oil reserves. Why did Biden allow this unnecessary inflation and how much longer will he cave to the climate change loons and cultists?
3. Biden has thrown away the key to border walls and legal immigration laws at our southern borders. Is his action a disguised signal to hide an obvious vote harvesting scheme? Without covid testing and normal vetting for criminals and drugs, the Biden Administration is allowing millions to enter the US while denying the obvious disaster. Additionally, border states are suffering economically and American citizens are footing tremendous bills to house, shelter and feed millions of uninvited people while enduring a flood of dangerous addictive drugs and terrorists.
4. The Biden failure in Afghanistan is a good example of political general officers and an out of touch president poorly managing a crisis which cost innocent American and Afghan lives. Beyond this failure, the world and our enemies have been shown a weak president. China, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia etc. will surely take advantage of a bumbling and timid Biden foreign policy. What will Biden do when China takes Taiwan and threatens Japan, India, Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines ?
5. Will Biden ever summon the courage to hold China accountable for the worldwide covid epidemic and their business and military misbehaviors? Will Joe and Hunter remain quiet to pay homage for their payoffs from China and to avoid Chinese blackmail for revelations about their payoffs and bribes? Why is Joe Biden so afraid of China ?
6. While Trump suffered, and probably enjoyed, blistering press conferences, why is Biden muzzled by his handlers from fielding any questions even simple "ice cream" questions ? Why does Biden mumble and have trouble reading a tele prompter ? Why are Biden failures under reported by major "news" agencies or lightly covered with references to past Trump perceived negative events? Biden's mental and physical health is declining yet he struggles on consumed by the glory of the presidency and Americans suffer.
7. Why have moderate congressional democrats allowed their far left colleagues to dictate mandates, new taxes and possible and expanded IRS staffing, harsh penalties with unwarranted FBI and DOJ investigations, and a multi trillion dollar wasteful host of spending bills to destroy the economy and upset domestic tranquility ? Is it really un American for moms to yell angry defiance at school board members ? Does anyone remember the crashing failure of Lyndon Johnsons trillion dollar war on poverty ?
8. While the Biden gang and their media enablers cannot end their whining and fear mongering over the 1/6/2021 D.C. disturbance, why are they anti police and mute about the weekly spectacle of murder and mayhem in Chicago and other major democratic controlled cities? Also, can anyone with a grain of common sense compare 1/6 with the incredible destruction and violence of 2020 ginned up by BLM, anarchists, and ANTIFA. Unlawful mayhem which was largely ignored or excused by local mayors, governors, national democrat leaders, and the legacy media?
9. Since his inaguration, Biden has used executive orders and the bully pulpit to cancel or extinguish everything Trump. Was this reversal a routine changing of the guard or a major move to punish Trump and his supporters while placating Obama, Clinton and China?
10. Finally, are you better off today with the "Build Back Better" and "Bidenomics" agenda? Was a loud, orange haired, arrogant and argumentative Donald a better POTUS and world leader than a mumbling, slow moving, mentally challenged Biden ? Also, when will the truth be fully revealed about the Biden crime family of foreign payoffs for executive favors?
Until further notice, the only way we get good changes in our government and better leaders is at the ballot box. Vote like your life and a better future for your children and grandchildren are at risk because they are.
America is not perfect and it wasn't a miracle, but it's the best damn place on earth. To save and keep our American Exceptionalism of liberty, capitalism and civil order get rid of Biden.
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