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Friday, July 16, 2021


 I propose a new program for those really, really unhappy American citizens.

For all the Karen and snowflake types who passionately hate America, lets begin a citizen exchange program. This scheme would grant a one way first class airline ticket to Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, China or the dream nation of their choice. In exchange, they would forever surrender their passport and citizenship to a Cuban, Venezuelan, North Korean, Russian or Chinese person willing to legally immigrant to the United States.  

This plan is designed for all those twenty something genius types, know it all intellectuals, celebrities, politicians and folks who believe rewriting American history, tearing down statues, defunding the police and censoring an ex president are necessary to cleanse America of it's inherent evil. 

Since Biden is so generous spending American workers and corporations money while raising their taxes, he certainly could find a few billion dollars to grant the oppressed "woke generation" a new life  some where else. 

Truly dedicated American haters who "talk the talk" will surely spring to the greater commitment of "walking the walk" and get the hell out of America so new citizens from less free places can take a place in a new nation of opportunities. 

Isn't it time we divorce the idea that riots, burning, looting, name calling and boycotting are poor ways to effect cultural, political and social changes ? If certain groups are so unhappy with the USA help them leave and make room for legal immigrants seeking a better life.  

My Citizen Exchange Program will return some tranquility to the worlds greatest nation and offer a happy alternative to those seriously unhappy with their lives in America. 


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