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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Nearly seventy nine years ago when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese, President Franklin Roosevelt made his famous comment about fear. I believe his words are relevant in the 2020 presidential race.

In the 2020 race for the White House the Biden campaign is using fear and Trump hate as their main  means to get votes and dump Trump.

Joe Biden and the democrats have made fear of the Chinese Virus a key foundation of their campaign by blaming the terrible plague on President Trump. Biden claims he has the solutions, but has failed to share his solutions with the nation and world. Seems inhumane for him to wait until his election to save lives. Many are of the opinion that it's simply another empty campaign pledge from a career politician with a forty seven year record of unkept promises.  

Another example is the green new deal and Paris Accord. This bundle of silly ideas is aimed at those who believe the world will burn up or freeze because of naughty human activities. Every few years, Gore or some other environmental pimp will proclaim the earths demise in a few years. Every hurricane, blizzard, tornado, flood and forest fire in California is automatically blamed on climate change. Most people reason that only a force greater than man has the power to create or destroy the earth. Nonetheless, democrats with their politically correct coalition of paid for scientists, Hollywood and media cheerleaders beat the drum that fracking, government de regulation, and energy independence are Trump weapons designed to destroy the planet.

This election cycle Biden and the democrats will preach Trump and the republicans will end social security and deprive people of health care. Another fear mongering appeal from Biden to get votes and an oft repeated false charge from democrats every election cycle. 

The civil disorder after the Floyd incident is blamed on Trump by Biden and Company as part of the fantasy that Trump hates people of color. Ironically, the worst violence occurred in cities and states controlled by democrats. The donkey party never denounced the BLM and ANTIFA leaders who promoted the riots, looting, murder, fires, and destruction. Trump from the beginning denounced the violence and reaffirmed his presidency as one of law and order while national democrat leaders remained silent.  

The growing socialist wing of the democrat party has ramped up it's attack on capitalism. The whining complaint that evil rich people and corporations deserve more taxes to help the "little guy" seems reasonable to some until they think. The fact is rich people and corporations provide the investments to make the economy work and employ millions . If rich people and corporations are heavily taxed or smacked with a higher minimum wage they will survive by raising prices, employing fewer people, and  shutting down businesses. Wall Street investments, 401K Plans and traditional retirement setups will lose value while democrat socialist politicians trade free college tuition, full illegal immigration freebies, more welfare payments and subsidized housing for future votes. 

The democrat party hue and cry that Trump is a racist and womanizer is a hollow complaint given the presidents record of accomplishment for Americans of every race and gender before and during his presidency. Election after election, Biden and his democrat party pals have pandered to blacks and other minorities and never fully delivered on their glorious promises. 

The democrats Russia - Russia persecution of POTUS his entire term has been proven empty countless times and is simply an attempt to unseat the duly elected 2016 president. It was a hateful and negative coup devoid of any proof and wasted millions in taxpayer money and enormous chunks of congressional time. Between 2016 and 2020 Trump was no more a Russian agent than John Kennedy was a Vatican puppet in 1960. 

Finally, Biden and his associates resent Trump's personal fortune and lack of political experience. Fact is Trump has probably lost millions in service to the nation and donated every dollar of his presidential salary to worthy causes. On the other hand, Joe Biden and his family have become millionaires by using his political, lobbyist, Chinese and Hunter Biden connections to multiply his modest congressional salary.  

Joe Biden and his progressive socialist controllers should realize that voting out of fear or hate is unhealthy for the nation. Biden has shown no plan for a richer, healthier, safer, happier America. Joe's plan is for more government intervention and control of America's businesses and the personal lives and liberties of Americans.  

In 1941, Roosevelt turned fear upside down to create the worlds greatest military and economic power. In 2001, President Bush switched fear to a renewal of American patriotism and action to punish terrorism. In 2020, Trump faced large challenges from the Chinese Virus and domestic violence and he will put an end to both sooner rather than later. In the final months of 2020 and into 2021 he will reinstate his incredible record of domestic economic growth and Nobel Peace Prize worthy foreign policy achievements.

I believe voters will not surrender to a Biden democrat party campaign based on fear or hate of President Trump.   


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