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Monday, October 19, 2020


Our United States survived The Civil War, Pandemic of 1918, World Wars I and II, Pearl Harbor, the Korean War, Vietnam War, 1960's civil disorder, the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK, 9/11, the impeachments or almost impeachments of Nixon, Clinton and Trump AND the riots of of 2020 and 2021.  We will survive the current Chinese Virus. God willing, we will survive  the political and media hype and strange election of Joe Biden.  

America survived and thrived beyond the national emergencies and periods of disorder because Americans are a diverse population of hard working, loyal, caring people blessed with a land rich in natural resources. Our nation's constitution coupled with capitalism extends to every citizen more personal and economic liberty than any other major nation on earth. 

Based upon the concept of three equal branches of government, the United States continues to improve upon it's early imperfections in the areas of sexual, racial, educational, and class disparities. Our amendable constitution has made legal modifications possible as the customs and culture of the nation have evolved over the decades. 

America will survive Joe Biden. However, our personal rights and economic health may be jeopardized for a while.  Biden seems unable or unwilling to firmly answer legitimate questions about an illegal immigrant crisis, major tax hikes, skyrocketing energy costs, the continued demonization of Trump, the green new deal, police and military defunding, the second amendment, and the unanswered questions about Hunter Biden. His hesitation about returning America to normalcy after our Chinese Flu nightmare and his insulting outreaches to Putin and China are concerning to say the least. Despite the  incredible donations from Bloomberg, Soros, Wall Street, and a host of celebrities coupled with the robotic support of democrats and the media, Biden appears and speaks like someone propped up by others.  

During his tenure, Trump answered every hateful question and insinuation from the left. Biden was a quiet "basement" candidate and in his first few months has been unable to field much in press conferences other than "softball" fawning questions. Many fear the new president is and will receive his agenda from Bernie, Harris, the AOC gang, Pelosi and Schumer.

America will survive Biden and whatever foolishness the far left of the democrat party vomits on our republic. Belief in our Constitution will sustain patriots until the mid terms and general election of 2024. As a threat to destroy our great nation of personal and economic liberty,  the reign of Biden and his puppet masters will be bitter, but a short lived bump in our history of progress.  I believe the energy, aggressive nature, and pragmatic approach of Trump or trump like political mavericks/outsiders will survive and win future elections.  Beyond a few years of democrat party control, the Trump ideal of MAGA will restore our national spirit of optimism, a revitalized economy, and more efficient government.    

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