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Friday, April 10, 2020


Since this global plague has befallen us, I've noticed a few curious changes.

Not so long ago, whenever doom loomed nearby or film monsters were crashing into the city we all rushed off to church. Today, our government in consultation with medical "experts" have restricted our freedom to gather and worship. Our church leaders and elders have followed the edicts like sheep. Happy Easter & Passover !

New government rules to some not so "hot" spots and rural areas have been heavy handed and totally unnecessary. In some instances, common sense has been replaced by blind adherence to a bundle of silly federally imposed guidelines of behavior. Our worst exposure has been in densely populated areas and international travel centers, not small towns in Nebraska and other places.

Not so long ago, many state governors boasted their "states" rights, but in the wake of the current medical emergency, some of these governors have found their medical warehouses empty and demanded or begged for federal help. Are we still a union of independent states with responsible governors or in a crisis a cluster of weak jurisdictions with whining governors ?

Once we could humorously compare the entertainment of mass political meetings and heavily propogandized cultural events in communist countries to our diverse world of sports, casinos, concerts, and cruise ships - not so much now. Why has our government, especially the wannabe dictator of Virginia,  in waves of increasing authority commanded the closure of our restaurants, malls, hair salons, bars, etc. from coast to coast ? Our world of entertainment has quickly shrunk to Lucy re-rums and  daily WH press conferences. The briefings have become repetitive sessions of yellow hair versus the health people versus the pesky and irritating "reporters". Our benevolent government has sucked a great deal of personal liberty from the daily life of our great nation and many people remain quiet, perhaps too submissive. Is it time to raise hell ?

Just a few weeks ago we celebrated low unemployment, increasing wages, soaring Wall Street numbers and grocery shelves full of toilet paper as the result of our free market and capitalism. Today, we painfully await the inertia of government to send us a relief check or approve a grant to keep our small businesses afloat. Should this session of socialism teach the socialist bozos on the bus. While we totter dangerously close to a new world where big government controls our income and more of our lives, some politicians actually celebrate government dependence as a good and necessary part of a "new order".

This corona thing is surely a horror, but thousands of Americans die everyday from illnesses, accidents or crimes. Will we never know the true death count or be left with a tally that includes other fatal disease deaths ? I believe there is a difference between common sense health measures and mass hysteria. In dealing with the pandemic, I urge we not accept every new government command and mightily resist fundamental changes to our republic and way of life.

In my opinion, we must ignore the empty promises of a benevolent government and some of the politically happy talk , and perhaps hope, of a "forever crsis."

 We must get our asses back to work and play as soon as possible. Perhaps I overstate and wrap the situation in extremes, perhaps not.

Who decides ?

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