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Thursday, April 2, 2020


I try and consume news and reporting from a variety of sources and cannot escape the glaring bias against all things Trump.

According to reportage from many newspapers and media sources, he didn't act quick enough, soft peddled or jumped to hysteria over the coronavirus virus. He lied, downplayed or ridiculed the dimensions of the pandemic. He overruled science or didn't express enough compassion for those suffering in his presentations. His reaction to ordering needed medical equipment was either bungled or too slow. He is using the long daily WH press conferences as a campaign platform. He cares more about corporations than people. And, it goes on and on. Questions at the daily White House sessions to POTUS resemble inquisition characters quizzing someone they've already declared guilty.

No matter what Trump says or does, many in the media business react like buzzards picking at a cadaver or the haphazard dissection of a frog in a classroom. It's a gotcha' game of accusations, rumor mongering, and entrapment questions from many in the print and media business.

While Trump is far from perfect, he has lead the nation to incredible heights of economic recovery and gained a tremendous level of new respect from nations around the globe. For the sake of all Americans he wants to sustain that status quo. He has no crystal ball as to the future and must act as the reality of the current health crisis reveals itself. As conditions have changed, he has offered hope, assurance, plans, revised plans and always tremendous energy in his efforts.

Perhaps many citizens and the chronically critical media should examine the actions or in actions of previous presidents in the handling of the 1918 pandemic, ongoing annual flu tragedies,  polio epidemic, AIDS crisis, or the virus that savaged the nation during the Obama Administration. I believe every past president deserves a level of respect and fairness which Trump doesn't seem to be getting.

We all realize the pandemic will pass and our nation will recover. In it's wake, better preventive measures and preparation will be adopted for the next global plague.

In my opinion, for a large swath of the media and his political opponents to use this health emergency to beat up, ridicule or remove the president from office is offensive and unfair.

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