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Monday, March 9, 2020


Yes, this dreadful virus has and will be weaponized by certain parties for political or economic advantage.

First, in the wake of stumbling economic developments, did the Chinese government purposefully launch this virus to disrupt world markets ? Specifically, do major downturns in American economic sectors detract attention from Chinese economic problems by temporarily damaging other markets ? Will this tactic ultimately help the Chinese regain market strength ?  Will this crisis cause a pause in worldwide criticism of human rights and Hong Kong management by the Chinese Communist ?

Two, will political opponents of Trump use the virus as a political sledge hammer to weaken his presidency and lessen his re-election chances in 2020 ? Some democrats have personally blamed the president for the virus and every statement or action by the president has been roundly condemned by most politicians with a big "D" behind their name.

Third, will the major media lapdogs of democrats and socialists use the corona virus to continue their 24/7, 4 year assault on all things Trump ? While every media invented or perceived Trump crisis or scandal has failed to oust POTUS, will they launch corona virus as a means to fire the president ?

Finally, have the establishment power brokers of Wall Street added to the economic concerns by stoking panic in the market place and among other international trading markets and huge corporations ?  Is this action a sideways attempt to discredit Trump and leverage control of the 2020 presidential election ?

While some may feel my weaponized theories are silly or far fetched, I intone the great thinker who confidently stated, "does a wood chuck, chuck wood ?"

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