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Friday, October 18, 2019


Our system of representative government has been corrupted and broken by people more interested in the betterment of I rather than WE. The rules which allow career politicians and antique men and women serving well beyond the normal years of retirement is a cancer destroying our republic. Their ability to serve "we the people" with meaningful legislation has been replaced by do nothing congresses engaged in constant political wars and mass inertia. Agreements and compromises on improved infrastructure, fiscal budgets, international trade deals, military spending, and border security are tabled or delayed while selfish politicians argue and play "gotcha" political games.

The observation that the election of any new congressperson results in their immediate plans for re-election, figuring how to get money for the next campaign, and developing a constituency of followers and workers is legitimate in many cases. The promises made to win elections are usually abandoned by the newly elected person because they were lies designed to gather votes or don't fit the larger goals of their political party bosses. Lofty promises unfulfilled can also be dismissed as impossible goals given the "current political power of the opposition party".

The granite tower of establishment political power brokers, wealthy lobbyists and media giants set the template of issues and candidates for each campaign. Then, they flood the airways and unleash the presses with massive propaganda and attack pieces to support their positions and selected candidates. The few hopefuls that get elected without the consent of the political and media giants quickly become demonized and subject to brutal dissection for their every word or action deemed politically incorrect. An outsider beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 and the endless "witch hunt" against Donald Trump is a good example of an unaligned candidate meeting and beating the establishment.

What must be done to save our republic is a groundswell of demand and support for new laws to restrict the time our federal representatives can serve in office. Being a member of the Senate or House must never be a career of more than a dozen years and must return to being a high honor rather than the gateway to great fortune. The term of presidents should remain a maximum two term - eight year event. Unfortunately, many past presidents and congressional biggies have been corrupted by the bright lights of money and fame. Out of citizen ignorance and/or apathy far too many of these scoundrels have been re-elected until the grim reaper called them away to an eternal recess.

I believe it is not impossible to envision a congress of part time members interested in a more perfect union of better government services. I believe we have more patriots willing to serve than gold diggers, but we must demand the changes and send the jackasses packing. Remember, they work for us and as engaged and informed citizens we must use the ballot box. Nowadays, it seems we have a gaggle of feuding politicos focused in demonizing their opponents and doing whatever is necessary to gain repeat terms in office. The cycle of do nothing congresses must be ended and the reign of politicians selling their souls to big media and lobbyist/establishment groups must be terminated if our nation is to survive and thrive.

Lets think and demand mandatory retirement for our congressional reps. and random cognitive tests for members 75-80 years old. Its way past prime time for Mitch, Nancy, Barbara and other congressional seniors to gracefully step down. 


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