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Friday, August 23, 2019


The New York Times along with all it's media and political puppets have seized upon this 1619 thing to further polarize Americans and cast America as an evil place.

While slavery was an important economic driver in the South for fifty or sixty years during the nineteenth century it certainly didn't establish or maintain the nation as the worlds economic superpower. Slavery was an inhumane practice, but it wasn't a unique American experience. Sadly, slavery and cruel indentureships among nations existed before America and continue today in some parts of the world. The United States didn't invent slavery and hundreds of thousands of it's citizens suffered and died to forever end the practice. These terrible systems have caused people of all cultures and races suffering and deprivation. It's not only a "black" thing, it's a "bad" thing for many humans worldwide.

Over a half million Americans died and many more suffered during the Civil War which officially ended slavery. Despite "Jim Crow", "equal but separate" laws,  the KKK, our government has steadily enacted laws to fulfill the premise that all men are created equal. Abraham Lincoln (a republican president) ended slavery and despite a pro slavery democratic party of the nineteenth century which lived well into the twentieth century race relations have improved over the decades. Racist democrats such as Woodrow Wilson, George Wallace, Robert Byrd, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have detracted and denied progress to advance their political or profit making potentials.

The 1619 Project is not real journalism because it is not a realistic balanced review of American history. It is a dark message intended to dampen the exceptionalism and enthusiasm most Americans feel for their homeland. Doubtless the 1619 scam will be heralded by race pimps to further fill their pockets with money. Groups of left leaning politicians will proclaim the 1619 deal as a further indictment against their political opponents. The reparation gang will beat the drum for undeserved handouts and in the mix, those who oppose will be labeled racists.

The United States of America has a history of low, but mostly high points of accomplishment in providing liberty and justice for all.  The 1619 Propaganda Project is yet another attempt by the NY Times and political left to undo our exceptionalism as a nation.  Rather than a dark side view of our few national failings, the NYT should spend as much time and ink with "projects" detailing the many accomplishments of the United States. This balance in reportage might also boost the sagging sales of the Times.

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