As predictable as a sun rise, the siren song of many 2024 political office seekers is in full swing. Free government stuff!
Free tuition, education, health care, income supplements, housing, childcare, telephones, full on assistance for illegal aliens, and more is promised in return for votes. Desperate for power, the candidates even offer free stuff and instant citizenship to illegal aliens in return for their votes. Charlatan politicians pledge the free goodies will be paid for by Wall Street, billionaires, other rich people and a benevolent federal government which plans to suck more dollars from taxpayers with 87000 more IRS agents.
Many politicians spout their nonsense without much serious questioning because real journalism in America is practically dead and most media outlets dutifully support progressive and left wing initiatives. Also, too many voters will queue up to ballot boxes with an incredible level of ignorance and naivete about history. Many lack a good understanding of the Constitution, 101 civics, economics or the real issues challenging the nation. Too many people believe the lies spewed from CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WPO etc. and never question the deep fraud of free government stuff.
More remarkable than the lying scumbag candidates are the millions of voters who will waste their vote on "pie in the sky" proposals. Are there really any adults of voting age who truly believe free government stuff is really free ? Are there really people, with any knowledge of history, who believe socialism has ever lifted any nation to new heights of prosperity ? Do voters know the history, economic havoc and human misery caused by socialist leaders Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Xi Jinping, Chavez, and others ?
Have we forgotten that every penny spent by local, state or federal governments on services and materials come from taxes levied on citizens and corporations? Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and tooth fairies are not government employees and government has never and will never generate any income or wealth on it's own. Governments consistently spend and waste too much money. Most well informed citizens are weary of the pattern.
Aside from the primary and necessary role of defending the nation, the federal government is a constant threat to our personal liberties and economic vitality. Joined by lobbyists, special interest groups, the military industrial complex, and bureaucrats our national government finds and invents endless ways to spend and waste a helluva lot of our tax dollars.
More remarkable than the lying scumbag candidates are the millions of voters who will waste their vote on "pie in the sky" proposals. Are there really any adults of voting age who truly believe free government stuff is really free ? Are there really people, with any knowledge of history, who believe socialism has ever lifted any nation to new heights of prosperity ? Do voters know the history, economic havoc and human misery caused by socialist leaders Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Xi Jinping, Chavez, and others ?
Have we forgotten that every penny spent by local, state or federal governments on services and materials come from taxes levied on citizens and corporations? Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and tooth fairies are not government employees and government has never and will never generate any income or wealth on it's own. Governments consistently spend and waste too much money. Most well informed citizens are weary of the pattern.
Aside from the primary and necessary role of defending the nation, the federal government is a constant threat to our personal liberties and economic vitality. Joined by lobbyists, special interest groups, the military industrial complex, and bureaucrats our national government finds and invents endless ways to spend and waste a helluva lot of our tax dollars.
Our Founding Fathers wisely designed a system and body of laws to protect citizens from oppressive government. Sadly, these days too many people are willing to trade their freedom or look the other way for a free phone, welfare check, chunk of cheese, income or housing supplement, and any other free goodies from Uncle Sam. In return and like a relentless bully, the federal government seeks to control every aspect of our lives especially when it offers "free" stuff which is never really free.
And the beat goes on!
And the beat goes on!
2024 will be an election year full of ridiculous promises and claims grounded in few specifics or facts. Will the lies and impossible dreams offered by democrats and progressives again be devoured by millions who regularly get tricked out of their vote?
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